Sterling pov

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Me and Blair met up for lunch. We hadn't seen eachother in over a week. I couldn't wait to tell her about the events of the night before and the morning. "How are you and April getting on?" she asked embracing me in a hug. "Really well actually" I replied. "How's Hannah B?" I looked at Blair who was blushing, BLUSHING. "Blair...?" "She's okay..." Is all she said!!!

"Have you and April boned yet?" Blair chuckled. "Nope.... But we did talk about everything and we kissed this morn-" "You what!" Blair shouted rudely interrupting me. "We kissed" I repeated. Blair spent the rest of lunch making me explain exactly what happened.

I spent the rest of the day thinking about the events of the morning. I was nervous to go back to my dorm, I wasn't sure how I should act when I see April.

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