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Notes: Sorry guys for not updating in like a week but since the show got cancelled I've struggled to get new inspiration BUT that's sorted now. I've got a few chapters written ready to publish in the next couple of days.

Another thing I wanted to say is thank you so much for all the support on this fan fic. At the time of writing this it has 11.5k reads and 500 votes so that means an awful lot to me. Anyways enjoy, I love you guys.

To say Ezekiel had attractive friends was an understatement. He lived in an apartment with 3 other guys. Elijah, Morgan and Noah. Noah was tall, well built, had a chiseled jawline and a slight stubble. He immediately caught Sterlings eye and she'd caught his too. Ezekiel assigned everyone tasks. April was supposed to lay out snacks and look after Hannah B, Blair took over the Hannah B part. Ezekiel, Elijah and Morgan went to pick up more booze which left Sterling and Noah to go to the grocery store and get more snacks.

At first Noah didn't say much but the second she brought up sports she couldn't get him to stop talking. He grinned the whole time, he reminded Sterling of Luke. I wonder how he's doing.

It turned out that Sterling and Noah had a lot in common, they listened to the same music, read the same books and surprisingly watched the same movies. Noah spoke alot about how he grew up in LA. He emphasized the fact that he always wanted to go to school somewhere far away from the west coast. "It's made out to be this great multicultural place but it's not like that... Not at all" Sterling loved listening to his voice, it was soothing. Noah may have been a good driver but his parking skills needed to be sharpened.

Sterling couldn't hold back her laughter when she saw how much of the spot next to them Noah had taken up. Sterling turned around, Noah was pushing a cart towards her. "You gonna get in?" He asked as he got closer. "I don't think so" Sterling politely smiled. What is he thinking. "Your loss" his smile, that god damn smile. Charming yet goofy with two dimples on either side.

Ezekiel had left them strict instructions to get all the snacks they good get their hands on. Sterling thought that it was a bit extra but Noah seemed to agree with him. They also had to get booze, Sterling hadn't asked Noah how old he was, she assumed he was over 21 if Ezekiel had asked him to get alcohol. Noah flashed his ID to the cashier before handing him a few $100 bills "keep the change" he pushed the cart and Sterling walked besides him.

Sterling rolled her window down, the roads were empty and Noah was taking advantage of this. The car sped down the road, music blasting and both of them screaming along to the lyrics. All good things come to an end. Sterling actually said that out loud but she acted as if she didn't. The car slowly pulled over to the side of the road. Noah shot Sterling a smile before rolling his own window down. "Good afternoon officer" that's all Sterling could remember him saying. She stared as the rays of the autumn sun creeped through the cracks in the clouds. The trees around were no longer full of life instead the looked naked and frail. For the first time in a while Sterling realised that she wasn't thinking about April. She was focused on taking in her surroundings as one day she wouldn't be able to. Sterling often wondered what happens after death. She didn't like the idea of living in a perfect place for the rest of eternity.

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