Chapter 66

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Angelique POV

Stares at her reflection in the mirror, her wedding dress was everything she dreamed it would be when Liam was her dream man but now in three weeks she's about to become Mrs Ricci. Love wasn't really her cup of tea anymore of course she liked Andre; he's funny,confident, the sex is exactly how she likes it and he's rich .

" what do you think Mrs Ricci" her designer interrupts her thoughts.

" miss, I'm not a Mrs yet"

" sorry ma'am " he apologizes and she nods her head in acknowledgement.

She stares at her figure in the dress for a little longer till she finally peels it off her usual Andre sat outside the dressing room champagne in hand waiting for her fitting to be over.he recommended this place and insisted her dress was made by this designer. As soon as she moves closer to him he forcefully kisses her on her lip. She had gotten used to his aggressive behavior at least he has never hit her she said to her self.

" I saw Liam today, he seemed so shocked to hear we were getting married, I guess you hadn't told him " he seemed happy divulging this information. So she nods her head in agreement.

" that's nice babe "

" it's fantastic " he responds. He scans the store looking outfits on display when Angelique feels her phone vibrate. she struggles to get it out of her tiny purse, Why are purses even made this small to began with? Her managers name flashes on her screen promoting her to answer, it must be something serious.
" hey Angelique, I just got a call from a beauty brand they need models for a campaign in two hours and they requested you "

" I sorry I don't think I can make it, I'm with andre"

" yikes, well this is really important for your career, tell him you can't miss it. A man who loves you will want to see you grow.ill see you in an hour" Kate says endings the call.

She walks up to the counter to meet Andre dreading breaking the news to him " babe I'm so sorry , Kate just called and i have a shoot in an hour can I meet you and your mum at the restaurant I'm sorry it's for a really big client "

His face clearly showed he wasn't pleased " I see, when will Kate learn to stop calling while we're together " he says " fine, you can go" . She kisses him on the cheek and makes her way out of the store but she could have sworn she heard him say " I don't know why you do this modeling shit anyway " but it was so low maybe her brain is playing tricks on her.


She finished early so she decided to wait for Andre and his mum at the restaurant. She searches for the address to the Place and inputs it in her LYFT, turns out it wasn't as far as she thought.
The place was beautiful, lights everywhere and families having conversations over dinner.she is ushered to her seat by one of the waiters a cute young boy he can't be more than twenty. He was extremely polite which she's loved, she was definitely going to leave him a huge tip.

Andre and his mom still aren't here so she sparks up conversation with the waiter his name is Armon and just like her he's an orphan. He grew up bouncing from foster care to foster care and now he's working here to raise enough money for college.

" I like you " Angelique says to the brown eyed boy in front of her " you remind me of my sister, when our parents died I easily gave up and felt like my life was over but she, she pulled through she was always resilient"

" thank you "the boy says shyly.

" I'm waiting for my fiancé but maybe I could get your number" she says as she stretches her phone towards the boy to put his number in.

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