Chapter 54

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" when do you think you're going to be back ?" I ask , still sprawled on the rug from last night and my phone on speaker .

" hmmm I'm not sure , it's gonna take a while to round things up here " he replies , and I sigh " why do you miss me already " .

" well yeah I miss having free lunch everyday , spending your own money is exhausting "

" how romantic babe " he says causing me to chuckle.

A ring at the door gains my attention as I wasn't expecting anyone and Asia and Kayleigh were still knocked out on the floor .

" babe there's someone at the door " I announce and he gives me a weird look .

" you're not expecting anyone? " he asks and I shake my head , I should really purchase a taser but then I remember I had security now and they would have checked who ever was outside before letting them into the front gate .

I make my way towards the door , still in last nights clothes and yesterday's make up I wonder how Liam didn't notice or he choose not to speak on it .

" what too you so long " Ashley says as soon as I open the door , shocked was an understatement I knew she was coming but not today while I still have yesterday's make up on and lipstick smudges on my face .

" whoa what are you doing here " I ask shocked , I'm happy to see her she's my sister obviously but still wrong timing .

" came visiting she replies " well how rude of me , kourt this is my boyfriend Mohammed " she announces and I suddenly notice the middle aged man next to her , he had a beautiful tan skin and really brown eyes, the beard really added to his charm Ashley likes them with beards who wouldn't.

" hi " I reply " excuse my manners, welcome to my home " I say as I shakes me hand " come in " I usher them in .

" well we kinda went out last night so the house is a mess "

" oh where's Liam ? " she asks as she makes her way inside .

" he's on a trip " I reply and she nods her head .

Luckily for me when I got back into the living room asia and Kayleigh's bodies were gone from the floor " would you like something to eat " I ask and Ashley shakes a head and turns to ask Mohammed if he needed anything " no we're good " she responds I guess he is the introvert type .

" how's life ,traveling and work ? " I ask taking my seat .

" erm work has been great just wanted to see how you're doing , haven't seen my baby sister in a minute, I thought you would be lonely here considering the circumstances and I'm happy you're not " she says and I nod my head .

" so Kourtney I heard you're a lawyer ?" Mohammed says " Ashley talks about you guys a lot it's ridiculous how in love with her family she is , I grew up with sixteen siblings all I needed was space and she grew up with three siblings and always wanted them around I guess that's what attracted me to her " he says " apart from the part that she's smart , beautiful and independent " he adds kissing her knuckle urghhh the cheesiness ewww .

" wow that was cute , so Mohammed what do you do ? " I ask and Ashley gives me a look and I shrug her off .

He gives me a small smile " well I guess she's going to tell you regardless and we're technically family but I'm a CFO of an oil business and also a prince , I guess that's what puts a strain on our relationship cause my family kinda wants the traditional girl , a timid type the type I can manipulate and crush her dreams but ash isn't like that and I would never want that for I know how much she loves her job and how much it means to her " he's right no man who loves would want you to give up what you love , Mohammed is so cute .

" Alison and alistair will be home in a couple of days " Ashley announces " and I kinda have something to tell you " she says and from her demeanor you could tell it was important to her .

" please tell me you're not pregnant " I reply and they both burst out laughing .

" why is everyone scared of babies these days " she teases " they're cute " .

" not when you're changing diapers they're not " and she laughs .

" so well mum is going to kill me " she starts and now I'm nervous cause Ashley is my mums golden child " I eloped " she screams showing me the big rock on her finger and I fall off my seat.

" yo it this for real , oh my God I'm so happy for you " I cream holing her hand to see her finger " oh my God so you're like married married , when did this happen " I scream .

" a month ago just didn't want to talk about it "she says shyly.

" so you're like mrs Mohammed now ? " I ask and she rolls her eyes .

" Kourtney you do realize Mohammed is his name not his last name it's Mrs Ashley Abdul " she responds " i like my new initials A. A like the genotype " she says a huge smile across her face , I'm happy she's happy but that still doesn't change the fact that my mother is going to freak out tho .

" what do you plan to tell mum " I ask she opens her mouth to reply when momammed cuts her off .

" I think we will just take things slow , we didn't want the hustle and bustle of planning a wedding and what's the point when you're marrying the girl of your dreams " he says and I nod my head in agreement, I had a big wedding and it was a disaster and a sham so who am I to talk .

" well she'll be mad for a couple of days , months or maybe years knowing our mum but she'll finally let it go "she replies " well Alison is getting married soon she'll have a wedding to plan and get to be mother of the bride zilla " she adds And we all chuckle lightly.

" yeah but she going to remind you of This till the day you die " I add.

"That reminds me I brought you something " she says searching through her hand bag "here " she says handing me a small package .

" oh my God I can't accept this " I reply as I take the parcel " well if you insist " I add as I tear the wrapper off the parcel " oh my gosh is that Cartier " I say astonished with my mouth wide open as I take out the watch .

" like it ? " she asks and I nod my head forcefully I was scarred it was going to fall off.

" oh my God thanks so much ,this is my you're my favorite sibling " I say pulling her into a tight hug while she tries to push me off her " you don't deserve my hugs " i protest as she tries to pull me off her while Mohammed enjoys our bickering .

" I wonder how you all grew up in the same house " he says watching us bicker .

" it was a traumatizing experience " Ashley replies as she successfully pulls her self from me " I have to legit see a therapist " she adds while I roll my eyes .

" ever dramatic ash " I reply " like I don't deserve to see a therapist for surviving your emo stage " I add while Mohammed gasps " you had an emo stage " he asks .

She nods her head slowly in shame " those were dark times , can't believe , I regret but I think we all had an emo my space phase , kids these days will never get to experience my space how tragic ".

" are we going to talk about your un even bangs and raccoon eyes " I add and she gives me a look .

" now now sister we don't want to relive your bed wetting days " she says silencing me , she gives me a look saying two can play that game " but I love you and I'm not going to embarrass you I rather email then to Liam " she adds.

" you're annoying " I reply and she rolls her eyes .

" that's why you love me " she says as blow air kisses at me .

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