Chapter 32

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It's been three days since the interview and like expected I was never called back I made liam promise to keep all of this away from his parents so they don't forcefully put me in a position if I didn't deserve it .

" you look nice " I say to Liam as he dresses to go to work .

" thanks munchkin " he says as he adjusted his tie " you look nice too " he says scanning his eyes down my naked body stretched out on the bed .

" good enough to eat ? " I ask teasingly.

He has a smirk on his beautiful face before he finally replies " oh you're good enough to devour my love trust me  " he  says licking his lips  it's so weird how we're yet to have sex and so comfortable with one another he comes over to kiss me which I end up having to push him away cause if we stay here he'll never make it to work .

" wanna walk me out ? " he asks causing me to get up and try to locate my robe which was flimsily dismissed after last nights activities, I locate it underneath the bed and bring it out dusting it before I finally put it on , not like they're was any dirt the floor of our room was clean enough to eat on .

I escorted Liam to the door not without him squeezing my ass non stop till we finally got to the door and the car drives off it was a regular day for me and I was going to go back up and do what I did all day watch movies when I see Liam's mom in the hallway .

" you have that boy smitten " she says to me " never seen him this happy " she says but I guess all moms are supposed to tell you that .

" Kayleigh is coming back from college today and we're going shopping in the afternoon wanna come ?" She asks " I know how much you miss her and how much she misses you " she says making me consider the idea I would call my best friend but she's at work with my husband so I rather go to shopping with the rest of the price girls .

" yes definitely it would be nice to spawns the afternoon with both of you "I respond .

" that's great we can finally do something to your hair , you haven't had it done since your wedding " she says , I'm not a hair expert I don't know what to do with hair I just comb it and leave it there I'm glad I don't have locks yet .

I spend most of my morning playing I message games with Liam and watching videos on you tube. I hear the intercom ring and I answered it  alerting me Liam's mom was ready and I need to throw something on . I ended up wearing shorts and a body suit with heels .

We were meeting Kayleigh at the mall I almost screamed my head off when I saw her it's been a while if my sisters weren't back in England I would have been able to go out with them often .

Shopping with the price girls has been one of the most exhausting things I've ever done in my life cause we bought a lot of stuff and a nice tie for Liam .
It took a while for me to finally pick what hairstyle I wanted so I ended getting a blonde lace front while Kayleigh got her hair trimmed long hair problems can't relate.

I felt like a new person with my new inches I really should do this often our car was so full cause of all the boxes from shopping , we were on our when my phone starts ringing I don't recognize the number on the screen so I'm hesitant to pick don't want a scammer calling my phone.

" hello "

" ms mills " the caller asked .

" yeah this is she ". I responded .

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