Chapter 53

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Liam had been gone for a week , he's not sure when he's going to be back . I was already tired of staying home and going to work all day so we decided to go out drinking tonight, it was a Friday and I haven't let loose in a minute.

" what are you wearing " Kayleigh ask's , I invited her , still trying to grasp the fact that she and Jake are a thing now , Liam is for sure going to loose his marbles when he finds out which is why I won't be the one to spill .

" it's a two piece  " I reply getting my make up done in front of my mirror , I hated being distracted when contouring cause I could go from Rihanna to a coin fast .

" I'll just steal something from your closet then , I don't know what to wear " she says as she makes her way into my closet , I hear the sound of hangers rattling and she finally comes out holding a leather pants " I have a top that would look cute in this " she says waving it in the air .

" you can borrow it , just pleaseeee return it " stressing on the please , I don't think I have money to budget on new clothes right now , I'm not broke just being frugal .

" thank you " she says as she skips out of my room  leaving me in peace and quiet to my contouring .

An hour later Asia finally arrives  , she's wearing a dragon print mesh top and a purple short skirt " you look cute " I complement her and she spins around to give me a better view of her outfit .

" so are you guys ready to get wastedddd " she yells as Kayleigh joins her in the baseless yelling .

" okay guys it's time to leave " I announce as we make our way to the front door , the security Liam assigned was there to take us and watch us through the night .

As soon as we got to the club , you could see the lights blazing and feel the bass of the music as people lined up to get into the club , I felt bad for cutting the line as we were ushered in as soon as we walked in .

We got to the bar and ordered shots of tequila , the cure to awakening your senses . The club was dim so we could dance without being noticed , I grabbed Asia's hand as we made it to the dance floor grinding and whining it was fun till guy started to come towards , prompting us to stop and go back to drinking .

" let's play truth of dare " Kayleigh suggest " and who ever chickens out gets to pay for the drinks of everyone at this club " she adds .

" I'm not a pussy that's for sure " Asia states proudly " plus I ain't got money to waste on people I don't know " she adds .

" So who wants to go first " I ask and Kayleigh's hand immediately shot up " truth or dare " I ask .

" truth "

" vagina " Asia mouths and she punches her playfully.

" so the think with you and jake how did that stat " I ask and she rolls her eyes .

" I knew you were going to ask that " she says while Asia's mouth is wide open " oh my God you have a thing with Jake , when did this happen and why am I the last to know , you betrayers  " .

" hmmm a few months ago " she responds " on the bright side kourt just found out " she adds.

" oh my God Liam is going to loose his shit " Asia exclaims , probably still shocked but she was right he is going to loose his shit and for once I'm not the one in trouble.

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