Chapter 22

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" that has never stopped me before " he replies licking his lips Ewwww what an animal I start to walk away when he pulls me back, I try to free my self from his grasp but to no avail, I finally kick him in his male area and run back to the VIP section while he winces in pain yelling curses at me and starts to make his way towards the VIP section to get to me.

By the time I get to the VIP section I'm full-on panting and Liam hurriedly stands up to attend to me when the guy Burst's through the door.

Present :
" you little bitch " he yells as soon as he sees me and tries to grab me before Liam throws a punch in his direction everything seems like a blur the only thing I remember is punches being thrown.

By the time my eyes are opened, we're back at our hotel room and Liam was next to me fast asleep I notice some bruises on his face but avoid touching then not to wake him up, I look at my body and realized I was no longer in my dress but an oversized long sleeve shirt I recognized as Liam I try to lift his hands off me so I could get up when I see some bruises on his knuckles he must have really done a number on the guy.

I stand up to go brush my teeth can't be having morning breath it ain't cute. By the time, I finish Liam is sitting on the edge of the bed he didn't notice when I walk in.

" Hey " I say trying to catch his attention.

" hey " he replies dryly not looking at my direction. I walk towards him and take a seat next to him . " why are you so grumpy " I shake him to get a reaction from him but he just stays still and doesn't even complain so I know somethings up.

" what's wrong? " I ask again this time serious and he just sighs.

He looks me in the eye and holds my hand in his " just thinking about last night " he says.

" the guy at the club " I ask.

" of course it's the guy at the club " he replies furiously and walks toward the window running his hands hair, the room is silent before he finally says anything again " I'm sorry I yelled at you I'm just so angry I can't believe he tried to hurt you like that and I was in the club talking to people who didn't matter " he slams his palm across his face as he swears under his breath " he could have assaulted you, raped you or even killed you " he says and I just sit down there taking in his words, I walk up to him and pull him by his arms towards the bed and he doesn't protest.

I sit next to him and give a tired smile " I know you're angry at your self for not being there but it wasn't your fault you can't always protect me or solve my issues if anything I should be apologizing for always getting in trouble " he cuts me off in my sentence.

" it's not your fault kourt I'm just appalled men still go around doing all of this shit in 2019, I thought we've established the fact that no means no " he says frustrated making me smile we don't Stan toxic masculinity.

" you know my dad once said cause you do Good doesn't mean everyone is going to good, you grew up privileged Liam, growing up I had men try to sexually harass me all the time luckily none ever succeeded and I'm glad you were able to beat his ass, I don't remember it but I'm sure he's in the hospital right now " I say making him laugh a little.

" maybe " he smirks and kiss him on his Cheek and proceed to call room service so we could get some ice for his hands, I know they were hurting but he didn't want to say anything about it.

After getting the ice we had nothing do today so we decided to stay in and watch movies, Liam let me pick so, as usual, I picked everything everything that's my favourite movie the concept was just so beautiful, the storyline was perfect, picture quality exceptional, and soundtrack wonderful.
After trying to force Liam into watching it cause he hated high school romance they were dumb to him he finally agrees.

" wait so her mum way lying about her disease " he yells " that's so fucked too " he says as he continues to watch the movie while I watch him in silence.

" Hungry? "   I ask him as the movie ends and just grumbles something under his breath ". Can't hear you mister " I say.

" well, I'm hungry for things I can't get" he says and walks towards the bathroom.

" what's that? " I ask.

" you " he says as enters the bathroom and shuts the door.

Hey guys so we've come to the end of my updating spree 4 updates in one week I need a whole present for my consistency at this point but anyway I'm going to focus on my other work and try to get 4 updates out for each book every week, I realized this hadn't been updated since my work incident in January but anyway love you guys don't forget to vote and comment ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.

Who knows if y'all vote and comment I might be inspired 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️. Currently watching this Korean drama something in the rain I hope it's good 🤞🏽 fingers crossed.

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