Chapter 55

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Hey , lol long time no update there's no excuse I'm just a lazy bitch lol .I'm finally done with NYSC yay cause I was TIREDT 🙄, just applied for graduate school I'm shaking hope I get in 🤞🏽literally can't sleep from all the anxiety . Happy new month by the way .so I'm currently an unemployed bum and I'm moving back to Lagos tomorrow I wonder what the future holds . Lol I have a head shot I took in my uniform .

Looking forward to hearing your opinions, don't forget to vote and comment.

I stared out the window looking at the scenery , must be nice to be a bird flying round the world without needing flight money or a VISA just going where ever the wind takes you .

" wanna go out drinking tonight? " Kayleigh ask's and I turn to the star fish human laying on my bed .

" nah I feel way too sick to do anything, I literally just wanna stay in all day " I sigh , lately my mood has been off , Asia swears it's cause I miss Liam but then something just feels off and I can't place my finger on it .

" maybe it's cause you miss Liam " Kayleigh says making kissy faces " don't know how you guys do this love shit eww " she adds Scutching her face and making vomit sounds with her mouth .

" oh please cut the theatrics, like I don't hear you and jake on FaceTime every night " I reply causing her to  roll her eyes .

"well that's different and I'm not moping around cause he's not here " she replies feeling smug .

" I'm not moping around , I just feel sick that's all " she gives me a side eye .

" so what is it , dick starved it's just two weeks mrs price calm your titties " she says causing me to throw a pillow in her direction " ouch " she yells acting fake hurt .

" suck it up " I reply " and I'm not dick starved I'm just sick  different thing , if I was dick starved I could just just buy a vibrator and have phone sex with your brother " she yells covering her ears with her hands " I'm not hearing you la La la la " she says earning a chuckle from me .

" well you started it " I reply and she rolls her eyes again at this rate I wonder how she still has eyes " Kayleigh " I smirk mischievously .

" what " she scrunches her face .

" guess what ? "

" I'm not guessing anything " she replies .

" Liam and I have fucked right where you're laying down , there should be a cum stain rightttt where you're laying down " causing her to jump out my bed .

" ewwww what the fuck man , stop being so nasty " she shrieks while I laugh at her reaction , her phone vibrates she walks up to the dresser to pick it up , her demeanor suddenly changes .

" we need to get to the hospital" she says typing something on her phone as she walks out of my room , I've never seen her act that way she seemed cold and sad all of a sudden .
" you need to come home " were the last words I heard her say to someone on the phone as she walks towards her room .

I wonder what was going on and quickly got dressed , no one said any anything Ricky who was usually cheerful didn't make any remarks or turn on the radio We just sat in silence while I looked towards the window taking In The scenery and praying for the best .

As soon as we get to mr price floor we spot mrs price pacing round the corridor while my parents sat still , if they're here it must be pretty serious .

" hey " I announce my presence " everything okay ? " I ask my mum and she pulls me in for a hug her eyes were red she probably cried or was worried While Kayleigh embraces her mum as soon as she spots her " is dad okay , what's going on mom ? " she asks , Mrs price just stood there her lips quivering you could tell it was hard for her to speak .

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