Chapter 62

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Hey everyone,
The world is currently facing the Coronavirus pandemic and I just wanna say stay safe, wash your hands, don't touch your face and please please please stay indoors. We don't know how long this may last so it's important to stay home right now I know we're all scared but this too shall pass.
My heart goes out to people who have lost loved ones, currently sick, the homeless or those stuck with abusive partners or parents. I wish there was more I could do to help apart from posting. What's it like in your country, you can share what is going on or what you are your family are doing to reduce boredom during this period I always make sure to reply most of my comments and messages lol I don't get many I'm not famous 😂😂.

Now back to fantasy

At this point I was obsessed with pasta, that was all I ate. I wasn't hungry a lot but pasta just made everything so much better it was the missing piece of the puzzle. Things were still tense between Kayleigh and Liam he was still not over the fact that his sister is dating Jake and he's still mad over it cause jake keeps coming to the house. I remember the last time he saw them making out he threw a huge fit and almost got arrested for assault luckily those days are over now he just glares at them like one of the demons in the corner and today was one of those days.

" I can't believe he still comes over here,"  he says pacing around the room while I dig my fork into my pasta watching the man I married while like a five-year-old, I can't believe I'm going to have to raise two children.

"arent you going to say anything about this " he turns facing me and I keep quiet cause it ain't my business, I don't get why men are never ready to accept that their sisters are no longer children but full-blown women with sex lives and relationships.
" what do you want me to do, kick him out?" I ask sarcastically.

" of course, at least she listens to you " he sighs shaking his head and making me chuckle.

" This ain't my house I'm a guest here how can I kick her man out plus I know you'll be mad but I really like jake he's so sweet "

" oh wow, you like him too is there something I should know since y'all always leaving me out of shit in this house," he says and from the look on his face you could tell he was upset, why did I find this cute.

" come here," I say to him setting my plate down on my bedside table and pulling the grumpy tall man in my bedroom towards me, he looked so upset and I just wanted to laugh cause it was too funny. I finally succeed in getting him in the bed and wrapping his arms around me by force " babe you know it's not like that I only like him cause he buys me food when you're not in "

" yo, he buys you food!!  What's he buying you food for, don't I buy you enough food " I want to laugh at how childish he's being " I don't know how everyone is picking jake over me, even mom is okay with the fact that they're together"

" first of all I love you and no one is picking one person over the other jake seems like a good guy, fuck it we know he's a good guy but if he breaks her heart so be it, it was her decision we're not gonna stop her from making decisions babe it's her life we can only be there to guide her and help her when she's in need but we can't make decisions for her babe," I say to the grumpy man stuffing his face with my leftover pasta.

" whatever" he rolls his eyes and I laugh " I guess you're right she's in her twenties I can't baby her for the rest of my life"

" exactly now come here and give me a kiss instead," I say and he ignores me still sulking like a five-year-old in time out. I climb on top of him and divide to get the kiss my self If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain. After trying to persuade him he finally gives in luckily I'm pregnant and he can't shove me off him anymore.


Were finally moving back home and I'm not gonna lie I was sad I don't like being by my self, it was depressing but I guess we all had to move on. Kayleigh was also going back to uni she had taken enough time off to grieve and finally felt like she was ready to get back into the real world.

As for me, my life was regular work. I was sore all the time so I had less and fewer things to do cause Liam wouldn't let me, for example, right we're trying to get our things into the trunk and he got upset I was trying to lift a suitcase.

" I don't want you carrying stuff like that you could hurt your back," he says as he puts the last of our suitcase into the car.
" you really need to chill babe, you really need to chill in not even showing yet this is ridiculous "

" I'm sorry I'm paranoid all the time I just care okay ?" he looked so cute when he's sober I just want to kiss all over him, I don't know why I'm so affectionate these days is this a pregnancy thing?
" I know babe" I give him a peck on his lips while he tries to open the passenger seat so I could get into the car. I cried on way back home I missed everyone I was trying to be tough but that failed woefully there was a lot of snot-filled tissue in the car by the time we got home.

The hose felt weird we hadn't been here in a long time the last time we were here we were being blackmailed I had totally forgotten about that and Liam's ring is missing. I let out a deep sigh as we approached the door. Everything still looks the same as we've been here the whole time.

" you good?" he asks noticing the awkwardness and I nod my head.
I remember when we moved here we were so happy not know so many things we're going happen to us, but on the bright side, we're expecting this can be the beginning of a new life of a new family a new beginning of love.

Who wants a make and Kayleigh pov?

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