"Sounds like it was fate—your meeting each other I mean." She corrected herself as she saw the surprised look on Zuri's face.

"I wouldn't say all that, but I have attachment issues which is why I'm scared to pull him in. I'm already starting to show signs and I can feel it."

"Explain." Akama cautiously picked her pad back up.

"Always wanting to be around him for example. Everytime I'm around him, I feel safe and content and then when he's about to leave I feel empty and lost. I hate it so much because I've had issues with this in the past." Zuri fidgeted with her fingers.

"You're father?" Akama was soaking up as much as she could. It hadn't been easy to get Zuri to open up this much and although she was wondering what changed, she was trying to do her job also and help Zuri sort out and wash away her sorrow.

Zuri nodded her head. "Mhm. I-I haven't really heard from him recently." Akama frowned. Zuri said she didn't like her father. She showed and used such hateful words but she always spoke with sadness, as if she didn't want to speak negatively on him. She spoke as if she wanted hope.

"You're other friends?" Akama redirected the conversation. She would dig deeper another time. She wanted Zuri to focus on the good and it seemed like lately she was.

"Oh, Semaj. He's Kels bestfriend. They grew up together, in Baton Rouge I think."

"That's in Louisiana, right?"

"Mhm, they moved here their senior year of high school. Semaj has been a great friend—always makes me laugh. His girlfriend, Nyla, I recently just met her. I didn't have a problem with her but I wasn't myself around her yet."

"Can you elaborate?"

"I-I wouldn't say I get tense or uncomfortable, but my mind has to adjust to the fact there's someone new around me. I crawl into that shell that I'm trying to get rid of, and I did the exact same thing with Semaj and Kel, but they were so inviting I had no choice but to become the real me. The me that has always wanted to show herself. Nyla came around and I'm doing the same thing, but she thinks I don't like her." Zuri pouted at the fact Nyla continues to think she has a problem.

Zuri went out of her way to show her by hanging with her, for Semaj since he'd came to her saying he wanted to make things work with Nyla but she was hesitant because of Zuri which made her feel bad.

"Do you? Not like her?" Akama was well invested in Zuri's life at the moment. She was seeing growth.

"No, no! I do but I need time to adjust with her presence. Semaj felt the same way she did after I met him." Zuri sighed. She was really trying to make an effort of putting her personal feelings aside but she could only handle so much. She was new to the whole having a friends group. "I didn't think I'd make friends."

Akama grew a soft smile and Zuri looked at her confused. "When you least expect something, that something will become everything."

Zuri analyzed what she said and frowned. She was hoping life wouldn't hit her with something when she was least expecting it.

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