About Megatron ~ TFP Autobots x Reader x Author

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Y/n sat with the kids in the human area, chatting away and playing video games, the Autobots relaxing. The cons had been inactive for a bit so they took the day to breathe.

"Ya know, Optimus and Megatron are like, complete opposites" Miko stated aloud. "Optimus is super smart and Meg's is all muscle."

"I know, right?" Y/n stated, chuckling. "Guys with brains are way better than guys who are all brawn."

"Aaaalright creeps and peeps, let's get one thing straight." Everyone jumped, turning fast to the voice, staring dumbfounded at the stranger sitting on the railing of one of the platforms. This person had brown hair, green eyes, and was wearing jeans, a blue turtle neck, and a white trench coat. "Megatron ain't all muscle, sugar pops."

"Wh-Who are you?!" Jack exclaimed.

"How'd you get in here?" Optimus asked sternly.

"My name is Eclipse, and how I got in here is none of your concern. I won't be here long" the stranger stated, hopping off the railing and walking to the human area. "I'm here to address a common misconception; that Megatron is dumb. Guess what, he's fuggin' not!"

"Wh-what are you talking about?" Y/n asked, uneasy.

"Lets talk About Megatron" Eclipse stated, sitting herself on top of the T.V., the device crackling and snowing on the screen once she touched it. "Megatron was a PHILOSOPHER. One that OPTIMUS looked up to and AGREED WITH. He was aiming to become a COUNCILMAN. He studied Cybertronian LAW. The power his followers had given him caused him to go mad with power, twisting his ideals. He became corrupted by his newfound hunger for power. He became Evil, not Stupid."

"Well when he became Evil, he became more focused on being the strongest and not smart" Miko stated.

"That is the worst argument I have ever heard" Eclipse stated bluntly. "Megatron BIOENGINEERED the Cybonic plague HIMSELF during the war. Becoming Evil did not make him stupid. He still proves to be an INCREDIBLY intelligent person. It's what makes him so dangerous, and it's why he's ON PAR with Optimus."

"On Par?" Y/m repeated in question.

"Come on People, why do you think they haven't killed each other yet?" Eclipse stated snappily. "If Megatron was all brawn and no brain he'd fight Optimus until he killed Prime or got killed himself. He's smart enough to know when to retreat. When he won't win. So he falls back and comes up with a new Strategy. He BUILT a Dark Starsaber once Optimus got the Starsaber himself! And broke the Starsaber! Optimus is smart enough to have rearrested and come up with a new strategy to combat that!"

"So, it's like two people with equally high IQ playing chess, but they have separate desires to win" Raphael concluded, holding his chin in ponderment.

"A bit simplified, but... Yes, exactly" Eclipse stated, leaning back on her hands. "The two are equally matched in both Brains and Brawn."

"Eeeuh, isn't Megsy physically stronger than Optimus?" Y/n asked, squinting their eyes.

"If they were to arm wrestle, Megatron would win for sure" Eclipse said, swirling a glass with amber colored liquid that had just appeared in her hand. "However, in battle, where Optimus lacks in physical strength he makes up for in speed, being smaller and more limber than Megatron. Megatron makes up for his lack of speed in overwhelming physical strength. Optimus lands more hits, but the ones Megatron lands pack a lot more force. So in the end, they do pretty equal amounts of damage to each other on average."

"I never looked at it that way" Y/n muttered, spaced out in thought.

"Yea, I know you didn't" Eclipse stated dryly, sipping her glass.

"What are you drinking?"

"Apple Juice. Want some?"

"... Yes please." A cut crystal glass with apple juice popped into Y/n's hand.

"Now, Darlings and Dears, I hope to see no more misconception about Megatron out of all of you" Eclipse said, slamming back what was left in her glass. "If you have more questions, shout for me and I'll pop out of the woodwork to discuss. I don't know all the answers but I'll be more than happy to converse towards a conclusion." Eclipse looked to the Autobots, the Cybertronians all watching the strange young woman. "I wish you all the best, guys." Then, as suddenly as she appeared, she vanished. The T.V. stopped snowing and flashed the title screen of the racing game the kids had been playing. Aside from the peppy music, the base was silent.

"Did we all just lucid dream or did that really happen?" Raphael asked, looking at his friends. Y/n looked to their hand, the crystal glass with apple juice still gripped in their fingers.

"Well" they huffed, lifting the glass and gulping it's contents. "Mm, that's apple juice."

I've been seeing a lot of people making Megatron out to be an oaf who can't figure out what 2+2 is throughout the years and... It frustrates me. Megatron is dangerous because he's intelligent. Not because he's a muscle helm. Is he obsessed with power? Yes. Is he obsessed with killing Optimus. Yep. Is he obsessed with strength? Nnnooo. He's strong because he worked in the mines AND became a gladiator. He's not stupid.

Thank you all for sticking around and I'll we you in the next shot! Stay safe, stay healthy, and pay attention in class.

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