Wolfie ~ Optimus x HUMAN CHILD! FEMALE! Reader (G1)

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Prequel to 'I've Got You'


        It was a typical day at the base. Everyone was going about their daily routines. With the Decepticons dormant, they could lay low for a while and relax. Optimus was reading a data pad when a great commotion came from the main entrance. He got up and went to check it out. Everybot moved aside so he could see. A small, scrawny, dirty young girl was standing in the middle of the circle of bots. Her E/C eyes were wide as she took everything in. Optimus knelt down.

"Hello little one. Are you lost?" he asked. The girl looked at him.

"My name is Y/N and I am four years old" she said quickly. Optimus blinked.

"Are you lost?" Ratchet repeated slowly. The girl shook her head.

"Where are your parents?" Wheeljack asked. "You know, a mommy and daddy?" Y/N looked at him blankly.

"What's a mommy and daddy?" Optimus frowned. This girl was an orphan. He sighed, rubbing the back of his helm. He looked at Sideswipe and Sunstreaker.

"Sideswipe, I want you to take Spike and get this girl some clothing. Sunstreaker, you'll take Sparkplug to get her sustenance" he stated. The twins nodded and rushed to get their other two human companions. Optimus offered his servo to Y/N. The girl climbed up onto his servo. Optimus looked at Ratchet. "I need you to check her out, then I'll clean her up."

After Ratchet had ensured that the girl was fine except for undernourishment and poor hygiene, Optimus headed to the wash racks to clean the small girl up. It was a bit awkward for prime to bathe the tiny human for three reasons. One, he had never bathed a human before. Two, he had to be careful not to hurt her with his big servos. And three, well... he tried to ignore the third reason. He successfully bathed Y/N none-the-less. He wrapped her up in a cybertronian hand towel and carried her out. The girl snuggled into the warmth of the towel. Optimus could feel her heart pulsing. It gave him a content, reassuring feeling. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker came back with the clothes and food. Optimus helped Y/N get dressed, blocking her from others view. Once she was dressed, Sparkplug gave the girl food. Y/N ate the F/F quickly.

"Easy there Wolfie" Optimus said calmly. Jazz raised an optic ridge.

"Wolfie?" he repeated.

"I have heard the human term of 'wolfing down' before and it seems to fit the youngling well" Optimus explained. Y/N smiled.

"Big Kitty!" she giggled.

"Looks like you have a nickname too" Jazz laughed. Although no one could see it, Optimus smiled. He had a feeling this young human would fit in well.

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