TFP x FNAFSB x Female! Human! Reader AU

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"Agent Fowler, Raphael is our friend. I will noy stand by while your law enforcement goes nowhere quickly regarding this investigation." Optimus was pissed, glaring at the Agent who had just informed him and his team that the Police still hadn't gotten any further in their search for Raphael. The boy and his family had gone to the infamous Freddy Fazbear Pizzaplex over spring break, and while there, the youngest of team Prime went missing. His family was stressed with grief and the Autobots were getting increasingly anxious, especially after learning their small friend was not the only missing child associated to the Fazbear franchise. And now this.

"What exactly are you gonna do about it, Prime?! It's not like you can just waltz in there and go looking!" Fowler snapped, crossing his arms. "Besides, it's only been a week since-"

"ONLY been a week?! Agent Fowler, do you hear yourself?!" Y/N exclaimed in shock, the nineteen year old woman glaring at Fowler with wide E/C eyes.

"I didn't mean it like that" Fowler huffed exasperatedly.

"Then how did you mean it?!" Ratchet snapped, hitting his servi against the counter of his workspace. 

"I promise, we are all trying to make progress in finding Raph, but this kind of thing can take weeks, even months. Sometimes years!"

"Raphael doesn't have years, Fowler!" Optimus shouted, Y/N nearly jumping out of her skin from the rare and uncharacteristic outburst. "He has school, family, a childhood! One that despite being caught up in our war we are still trying to preserve for him! He cannot afford it taking years to find him." 

"I'm not saying it WILL take years, Prime" Fowler sighed shakily, having a near heart attack himself from Optimus' yelling. "But it's probably going to take longer than just a week." Everyone was uncomfortably quiet, anger and despair heavy on everyone's spirits. 

"I… I guess I'll go tell Bee" Smokescreen stated, clearing his throat and going down the hall to the berth-rooms. The scout had fallen into a heavy depression once he learned his little friend was missing, and it only got worse with each passing day. 

"Are we sure we should let Smokescreen do that?" Arcee asked, frowning.

"Bee deserves to know" Bulkhead responded. "Even if it hurts…" 

"I've got other things to do, places to be" Fowler stated, straightening himself out. "I'll let you know when there's any new information." The Agent turned and went back into the elevator, the doors closing and the contraption whirring subtly as it took him up to the top of base.

"This is ridiculous!" Ratchet said angrily, crossing his arms. "They aren't doing anything! That place is still running, they're doing nothing to actually find him!"

"Fowler is right, though" Y/N huffed in frustration, running her face. "It's not like we can walk right in." Optimus balled his servos into fists, exhaling heavily through his olfactories.

"He is not wrong, but not for the reason he thinks" the prime stated, turning to his team. "I am afraid we will have to take matters into our own hands in a similar fashion as to when we seized the Energon harvester."

"The kids have school, Optimus, we can't send them looking for Raph" Arcee stated.

"The children will not be undertaking this mission" Optimus said. "I will."

"What? How? The facility is big, but not that big" Y/N stated, frowning.

"There are still some things we have not told you" Optimus responded. Suddenly he shrank down, his thirty-two foot hight reducing to just over ten feet. "Besides, we are not often faced with situations where we would need to use our mass displacement." Y/N shook herself from staring, blinking to make sure she saw right.

"Well, okay then" she breathed huffily, putting her hands on her hips.

"Who else would go? Ratchet is needed here in case of medical emergency, and cons are still active" Arcee stated, crossing her arms.

"Bumblebee is not sound of mind or spark" Optimus said. "Arcee, you, Bulkhead and Smokescreen will stay here. Ratchet will be in charge while I am gone."

"I'll go with you" Y/N stated, everybot looking at her. "Better two than one, right?"

"Yes, I suppose so. But are you certain?" Optimus questioned hesitantly.

"Optimus, a child's life is at stake here" Y/N huffed. "Of course I'm sure."

"Very well. We leave tonight when the establishment closes. We are going to find Raphael…" 


So this is kinda like the prologue! I think I'm going to make this a separate book, I hope to get it up sometime this week. High chance that everything else is going to be put off while this is being written, but we'll see. Hope you like it!

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