I've Got You ~ Optimus x HUMAN CHILD! FEMALE! Reader (G1)

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        A high pitched squeal sounded through Autobot headquarters. A H/C haired five year old girl ran pell-mell down the hall, nearly crashing into Jazzes ped. The mech looked at the human youngling in surprise.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Jazz asked. Y/N just giggled, hiding behind Jazzes ped. Roller, Optimus' personal mini bot, came rolling down the hall. He emitted a series of beeps and clicks. Jazz looked behind him and grinned. "Why no, I do not know where Y/N is." The girl giggled as Roller beeped some more. "I'm positive. Maybe you should check the brig. Roller rolled off in the other direction. Jazz looked at little human friend. "Well go on!" Y/N ran off, giggling.

Roller found Y/N and they both went to look for Optimus. The great leader was in his quarters. Roller went in to him while Y/N stayed outside the entrance. She wasn't allowed in Optimus' room. She didn't like upsetting Prime, so she never got any closer than five feet from the entrance. Once roller was in the room, Y/N went off to go outside. She skipped down the mountain, humming a pretty tune Jazz had taught her. She was only five so she didn't have a watch... or a compass. Such things were of no concern to a toddler. But that's how Y/N got lost. She didn't realize she was lost until the sun had disappeared. Y/N spun around, panic over taking her.

"Help!" Y/N cried. "Jazzy?! Ratchet?! Hound?! Huffer?! Anybody?!" Overwhelmed, Y/N began to tear up. "Help me please." There was sudden rustling in the nearby bushes. Y/N turned towards the sound. Something wasn't right. Y/N took a step back. From the bushes jumped a mountain lion. It snarled at Y/N, claws unsheathed and jaws open. Y/N screamed and took off running. The mountain lion ran after her. It snapped it's jaws dangerously close to the girl, catching her F/C jacket in its teeth. Y/N screamed, slipping out of the garment and taking off. She had to get away from that beast. She was getting tired. The lion was closing in. Y/N grabbed a small, thick branch. The lion ran at her. The girl wasted no time in smacking the beast in the head. THOCK! The lion wobbled on its feet before falling onto the ground, unconscious. "Bad Kitty!" Y/N dropped the branch and continued walking, trying to find her way back.


Optimus sighed, finishing up his work. He looked over to see Roller already recharging.

'I guess I'll go to bed too' he thought. 'But first...' The prime got up and walked down the hall to Y/N's room. The door was wide open. Optimus looked in... to find Y/N nowhere inside. Optimus furrowed his ridge. Odd. The girl was very particular about going to bed. It was rather odd for a child to set an early bedtime for themselves but that's Y/N for you. Optimus looked around the base and asked everybot if they had seen their young female friend. No one had seen her and she was nowhere to be found inside the base. Optimus started to panic a little. The girl was only five. If she got hurt, Optimus would never forgive himself.

"Optimus!" The prime turned to his second in command, Jazz, as he ran down the hall. "I checked the surveillance cameras. Y/N went outside at around twelve p.m. She hasn't been back since." Now Optimus was panicking. It was ten p.m.

"Oh dear Primus" he muttered. "Jazz, I want every bot out there looking for her right now!"


Optimus pushed brush aside, scanning the area. He'd hear the occasional call of her name from the others. He prayed that she was alright.

"OPTIMUS! Come quick!" Optimus whirled around and rushed to the mech calling him. Wheeljack held up a(n) F/C jacket. It was torn in the back. Optimus looked at the garment.

"Keep looking" he ordered, walking off.

The moon was high overhead, giving everything a soft silver glow. Optimus scanned each area as he came to it. Then, he heard crying. He ran towards the sounds of the terrified wails. He skidded to a stop upon seeing Y/N up in a tree... a mountain lion climbing up after her. The beast had gained consciousness and tracked Y/N's scent. The girl screamed as the lion climbed towards the end of the tree limb she was on. Optimus growled, pissed off. He ran over and plucked Y/N from the tree. The mountain lion roared at him, angry that Prime had taken its meal. Optimus picked the animal up by the scruff of its neck and snarled at it. The lion stopped growling, its ears going back. Optimus set it down and it slinked away. Once the beast was gone, Optimus turned his attention to Y/N she hid her face in her hands, trembling.

"Y/N" Optimus said softly. "Hey, Wolfie, look at me." The girl looked at Optimus upon hearing her nickname, her eyes red.

"I-I'm sorry O-Optimus" she hicced.

"What for sweetheart?" the prime asked.

"I-I didn't get back to b-base. We're all supposed to be a-at base after f-five" the girl stammered.

"Oh Y/N, I don't care that you broke the rules, I just care that your safe" Optimus said. Y/N looked at him, her E/C eyes watery.

"Y-You're not m-mad at m-me?" she asked. Optimus shook his helm. Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes and she broke into tears again. Optimus held her to his chassis, rubbing her back with a digit.

"Shh. It's okay. I've got you" Optimus comforted.

Everyone got back to base and Ratchet scanned Y/N for injures. Finding only a few scrapes and bruises, everyone went into recharge, comforted by the fact Y/N was safe. Optimus walked back to the young girls room, but stopped halfway to the door. He turned around and walked to his berthroom, setting Y/N's sleeping form on his berth. He climbed onto the surface and curled his body around Y/N. He watched as her little chest rose and fell. He drew back his battle mask and kissed the girl on top of her head.

"Goodnight Wolfie. Sweet dreams."


Yes, a five year old conked out a Mountain Lion. This is based off an eighties T.V. show. Anything can happen. 

Transformers One Shots (REQUESTS CLOSED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora