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 Today was not Steve's day. He had always been picked on for being different, for being soft, but today he just couldn't seem to carry the weight of all the teasing and sneering and jeering and all around awfulness. He trudged down the halls, having finished scrubbing the brig floors; Megatron would punch him for every spot he missed. His comrades laughed and jeered at him as he sulked by, calling him a defect; like every other day in Steve's life. He walked to his assigned barrack, climbing into his berth and pulling his personal data-pad from under the detachable helm slab. He activated it and pulled up youtube to watch cat videos or Markiplier, maybe even Jack Septiceye. Anything to cheer him up.

"Unit 5T3V3! You are to depart to the energon dig site immediately!" Steve cringed at Megatron's voice over the intercom. He just got to his room! Steve sighed and hopped off his berth, leaving to join his unit.

"Maybe today will be our lucky day and defect here will get his helm blown off!" one of his squad members laughed.

'Wouldn't that be somethin'...' Steve thought, listening to the hateful laughter of his squad. A bridge opened and they all marched through, Steve looking out at the energon crystals. Some days, when he was out in the mines, he'd daydream of shooting one of those big crystals and blowing everyone to the pits. Sure, he'd get blown up too, but it would be such sweet revenge. But then again, as much as everyone hated him, he could never bring himself to kill his own. They were the only family he had after all.

Steve was brought from his thoughts as a servo connected with the back of his helm.

"You know the drill, defect" a gruff snarl came from his supervisor. "Start scrounging." Steve scuttled to work, picking up the fragments that broke from the cut crystals. Even the small shards would burst sometimes, Steve having to go to Knockout every week to get his digits fixed. It was better than risking dropping a bigger chunk. Steve picked up another shard when blaster fire rang out.

"AUTOBOTS IN THE MINE!" Steve dropped his shards and activated his blasters, the Autobots charging into the cave, blasting his comrades. Steve started shooting, aiming for the Autobot scout. His focus jumped from one Autobot to the next, his fire sporadic. Then he was grabbed and thrown in front of another vehicon, a blue bolt hitting his shoulder plating. Steve stumbled back, dropping on his aft, his arm hanging off by wires. A bridge opened and survivors fled through it, leaving Steve behind.

"GUYS! GUYS, WAIT! HELP ME!" he shouted, reaching towards those who ran past him.

"Shut it defect! Survival of the fittest!" a Con snapped, shoving at his helm as he went by. Steve watched everyone go, the bridge closing. Steve slowly turned is helm as heavy pedesteps approached, gazing up at Optimus Prime himself. Those blue optics had him locked in place, frozen in fear. Steve trembled, grabbing at his disconnected arm. He was left by his family. He was left to die. Alone. His fear melted, his trembling stopping, those blue optics no longer intimidating.

"Please..." Steve said softly. "Please... please kill me." Optimus' optics widened slightly at his request. "I'm... begging you... kill me." Optimus stared at him, his optics flickering as he thought.

"What are you waiting for? He's literally asking for it!" Arcee exclaimed. Optimus was silent another moment more before he deactivated his blaster and knelt to the Con.

"What is your designation?" he asked, his voice rumbling. Steve was quiet a moment.

"My call number is 5T3V3" he answered. Optimus shook his helm.

"I asked for your designation." Steve shifted, thinking.

"... Steve..." Optimus nodded, humming.

"Steve, why would you wish to die?"

"W-why do you care?" Optimus, arched a ridge at him.

"It seems to me no one else does" he replied. Steve was silent again, staring at Optimus. Then, he started to cry.

"L-Look at me! N-no wonder th-they call me defected!" he cried, shaking. "I'm s'posed to be a warrior! But I'm weak and pathetic and I cry! I'm crying right now! In front of the enemy! I'm begging to die! What kin of sad excuse of a warrior am I?!" Steve dropped his helm, shaking, bleeding. Optimus reached and set his servo on his shoulder.

"You're a very strong warrior, Steve" he stated, making the Vehicon look at him. "You have faced the harassment of your peers everyday for centuries. You have endured their abuse. You chose to keep going. That makes you a very brave and strong warrior." Steve looked at Optimus a long time. Was this the same mech he had been told so many stories about? The mech that killed Cons on sight? The mech who ripped Con sparks out without mercy? The mech with cold blue optics that seemed devoid of life or soul? No. That was not this mech. That mech never existed. "Would you like to join the Autobots, Steve?" Steve looked at the other Autobots. Their once hard, cold looks had turned soft and strangely endearing. He looked back at Optimus, spark filling.

"I'd like that..." Optimus gave a very small smile, standing and offering his servo. Steve took the outstretched appendage with his good arm, standing up. Optimus looked to his team, nodding.

"Let's go home."

~ Time Skip ~

Steve had been with the Autobots a good three months. It was strange at first. There was an air of uncertainty, but everyone tried to include him and make him feel welcome. Once he had shown he posed no threat and made friends with the children, they were more open to him. He was well liked by all the Autobots. Ratchet liked the fact he cleaned up after himself, and he could play a good game of Lob Ball with Wheeljack and Bulkhead. He played Video Games with Raf and Bee, and raced with Smokescreen and Jack through the desert. He was easy to talk to, which Arcee found comforting, and liked all the youtube channels Miko liked. Optimus found hope in Steve, and that was the greatest gift the ex-con brought to him.

Steve had changed his paint from purple to blue, his red Autobot insignia always shining bright. He took pride in the emblem. He was loved and appreciated by the Autobots. He was given purpose. He was never hit or talked down to. He never came to base with missing digits after an energon expedition. He had full nights of recharge and decent portions of energon. This was his family.

This was his home

Transformers One Shots (REQUESTS CLOSED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz