Gentle Giant ~ Grimlock x DINOBOT! FEMME! Reader (RID)

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You're a pterodactyl dinobot FYI.


Reader P.O.V ~

I watched as Strongarm and Sideswipe fought for the thousandth time that day from my perch on top of a large box, flicking a bug off my F/C armor. I sighed as Strongarm pinned Sideswipe to the ground. Drift was training Slipstream and Jetstorm while Bumblebee talked with Fix-It, along with Denny and Russell. A certain very big, very green, and very handsome bot was missing from the picture. Grimlock. I perked my head up and surveyed the scrapyard. I spotted his tail poking out from behind the shelves. I smiled and hopped off my box, walking over to Grimlock. He was in his dino form, crouching to the ground.

"Hey Grimlock" I said. He squeaked, jumping up. He transformed and turned around.

"Oh! H-hey Y/N!" he exclaimed, a little awkward.

"So, what are you doing?" I asked, moving swiftly and gracefully behind him. He turned, following my movements with a smile.

"Oh, I was trying to find Peaches" he replied. I tilted my helm.

"Peaches?" Grimlock nodded.

"He's the kitten that's been roaming around" he responded, smiling cutely.

"I thought you were afraid of them" I stated, crossing my arms.

"I am! Well, in a sense. I'm afraid of hurting them. They're just so tiny and defenseless! I'm big and clumsy. One misstep and I could hurt the little guys" Grimlock explained. "Peaches has been helping me get rid of that fear. I've been working on handling him gently and making sure he's okay. It's been going on for a few weeks now."

"So, in other words, you've adopted Peaches as your pet?" I inquired. Grimlock nodded.

"Only, I can't find him right now. I hope he's okay" he muttered. I smiled.

"Oh Grimmy! You're so sweet!" I exclaimed, hugging him. Grimlock tensed.

"Uh, thanks Y/N" he chuckled nervously.

"Meow!" Grimlock and I turned to see a little orange and white kitten standing in front of us. Grimlock smiled.

"Peaches!" he cried, kneeling down. He offered his servo to the tiny creature. Peaches scampered on and climbed up his arm to his shoulder. I smiled as Peaches curled up and fell asleep. Grimlock smiled at the kitten. I went up on tip-toe and kissed Grimlocks faceplate.

"I Love you, my Gentle Giant" I giggled. Grimlock's face flushed blue. He looked at me and smiled, giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

"I Love you too, Y/N" he responded. We both sat down and fell asleep, kitten and all.


Grimmy is best Sweet Boi

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