Lub ~ TFP Ratchet x Child

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Ratchet woke up to the sound of crying at two a.m. he sighed and activated his holoform, walking over to a corner of his berth room that was illuminated by a lamp with stars cut out of the lamp shade. He stepped over a few children's toys scattered on the floor and approached the crib positioned against the wall on a soft blue rug. He reached in and picked up a small, wailing human child, holding them to his chest.
"Sh sh sh, it's alright, I have you little one" he whispered, kissing the child's head. "Papa's here." The child sniffled, holding onto his father's shirt, looking up at him with teary blue eyes. "Did you have a nightmare?" The child nodded, sniffling. Ratchet sighed, sitting Inna nearby chair, rocking in it. The little boy in his arms curled up to Ratchet's warmth, closing his eyes and falling asleep. Ratchet soon fell asleep as well.

        Ratchet never explained to anyone how he came to have the little boy in his possession. All anyone knew was that Ratchet was fiercely protective of him and that the boy was very attached to the old medic. Ratchet didn't spoil the child with lots of toys or candy. He did spend whatever free time he could get with the boy, however. The only ones he trusted with his child were Optimus, Magnus, Arcee, Ms. Darby, and Bumblebee. The boy often fussed when he wasn't with his father, throwing fits he often was inconsolable from until Ratchet stepped in. Ratchet was always on edge if the child wasn't with him. The two had a very surprisingly strong bond to each other, being a small bit easily frightened if things and an old mech who swore he disliked humans, especially children.

Though many of the team has asked Ratchet about how he came to take care of the boy, they never got an answer. Ratchet would stare off for a few minutes before waving them off. Eventually they stopped asking, figuring he'd explain when he was ready.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Bubba! Happy birthday to you!" The little boy giggled as Ratchet blew the candles out, everyone cheering. Ratchet smiled, kissing the Boys cheek.
"A year old already hm?" He stated, the boy clapping his hands happily. "You're growing up so fast."
"Hey, can we get some cake already?!" Wheeljack asked loudly, making a couple of the team laugh. Magnus took liberty if cutting the cake, the boy getting the first piece. He happily mashed it with his little hands and stuffed sugary globs into his mouth, eyes bright with joy. Ratchet sat next to his highchair, eating his own piece of cake.
"So a year and still nobody knows where the little angel came from" Arcee commented, earning a few wary glares from the others. Ratchet paused a moment, looking at the dark blue glob of border icing on his plate.
"Perhaps another time" he stated, looking at the boy, smiling amusedly at the chubby face covered in blue icing. Everyone laughed at the same chubby face, June taking a napkin and wiping the sticky mess off the boys soft cheeks. Ratchet sighed lightly. 'Another time...'

        Ratchet took his time driving down the dark road, the boy in the back seat of his alt in a car seat. He pulled into a gravel path, parking and getting out in holoform. He pulled the boy from the back seat and carried him through freshly cut grass, a bouquet of carnations in his other hand. He stopped in front a smooth, curved stone slab, fireflies lighting up the area. A firefly flew up by the stone, illuminating the engraving with a soft yellow glow briefly.

"Y/N L/N
Beloved Daughter
Bmm/dd/1986 - July 6th, 2010"

"Hello, Y/n" Ratchet sighed softly. "C/n is now a year old. Everyone loves him. He's so smart." He smiled at the boy, kissing his soft cheek. "We miss you greatly. Maybe someday I'll tell the others about you... Fowler told me that Bf/n has demanded contact with C/n... I know you wouldn't want him anywhere near that man. I promised to take care of C/n and that's what I'll do as long as I'm still online." Ratchet set the bouquet down at the foot of the stone. "I Love you..."
"Lub you mama" C/n stated, kissing his palm and blowing wetly towards the stone. Ratchet smiled, carrying C/n back to his alt.


Don't worry, there absolutely will be a prequel to this.

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