Maggy and Lil' O ~ Optimus x Ultra Magnus (TFP)

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        Optimus and Magnus raced each other through the desert, laughing and swerving over the dusty terrain.

"Eat my dust!" Optimus hollered, swerving around.

"Sorry, I can't stomach anything more after that cold plate of revenge earlier!" Magnus shot back.

"So it WAS you who put that paint can on my door!" Optimus gasped. Magnus laughed and gunned ahead, turning around so he drove backwards, flashing his headlights at Optimus before turning and speeding ahead. "HEY!" Magnus roared with laughter, the protests and agitated shouts made by Prime's deep throaty voice hilarious to him. He skidded by a large rock formation, laughing.

"I win!" he exclaimed. Optimus sped up beside him, parking on his right before transforming.

"I'm still ahead, twenty to five" he responded, sitting down. Magnus transformed and sat next to Optimus, smiling and gazing at the stars. "I still don't understand why you call me Sir and Optimus in front of the others." Magnus sighed, looking at Optimus.

"We've talked about this" he stated, frowning.

"I know, I just... I want them to know" Optimus muttered.

"I want them to respect me for me, not just because of the fact I'm your brother" Magnus said.

"I KNOW" Optimus exclaimed, flopping back and huffing. "It just is frustrating because I'm respecting you as a lieutenant instead of as my older brother..." Magnus frowned deeper, sighing. "I want to call you names and make fun of you in front of the others and get chased because I painted your face while you were sleeping... I want you to rub my helm and punch my arm and call me a wimp when I over react... like on cybertron... before the war..." Magnus pulled Optimus up, leaning him to his shoulder.

"You're a leader now, Orion" he stated. "You can't act like that no matter how much you want to."

"I could... but I don't because it's what's expected of me..." Optimus sighed, pushing away and hugging his knees. "I'm a Prime... Prime's don't have fun." Magnus looked out over the desert, tracing their tracks from their race with his optics. "We should be getting back before Ratchet wakes up." Optimus got up and transformed, driving out back the way they came, his racing tracks covered by dust as he drove beside them. Magnus watched a minute, finally clicking.

He'd fix this.


Optimus stood at the console, decoding data while everyone else went about their day their own way. Aside from Miko's music, it was relatively quiet. Primes sighed, clearing another line of data. Then, an arm slung around his neck, making him yelp. His attacker pulled him back from the console, rubbing their knuckles on his helm.

"What cha doing now, nerd?" Magnus taunted, smirking. Optimus blinked at Ultra Magnus before grinning.

"I may be a nerd but you're a geek!" he stated, squirming away. "And for your information, I am working." Magnus rolled his optics, picking up Optimus and flinging him over his shoulder. "Put me down."







Everybot stared as Magnus carried Optimus down the hall. Miko snorted as Optimus smacked Magnus' aft and shouted;

"Put me down NAOW!"

"What the slag is going on?" Arcee asked. Everyone jumped upon hearing Optimus scream, a loud splash coming from the pool room that had been added during a massive heatwave that summer. Magnus came running back through the mainroom, followed shortly by a dripping wet Optimus.

"GET BACK HERE YOU AFT!" he shouted, skidding around a corner.

"What's going on is two Brothers are having fun" Ratchet chuckled, watching as the two tore back through.

"Magnus and Optimus are brothers?" Bulkhead sputtered.

"You guys didn't know?" Smokescreen gasped. "Every true fan knows that!" (Smokey: *looks at you readers*)

"They do look similar" Jack commented. Magnus ran and slowed a bit, letting Optimus catch him, the Prime tackling his older brother and fake choking him.

"I yield, I yield!" Ultra Magnus cried, laughing. Optimus huffed, flopping down, Magnus groaning. "Get off me, Fatty."

"I am not fat, I am big framed" Optimus huffed. "You're fat."

"How dare you" Ultra Magnus gasped, smacking Optimus' helm.

"Ooooooow, you've wounded me!" the Prime whined.

"Here, I'll kiss it better" Magnus stated, kissing Optimus' helm.

"Ew, why'd you do that, gross." The both yelped as Bulkhead flopped on them both.

"I'm fat" the wrecker chuckled. Wheeljack jumped on top of him, grinning as Magnus deadpanned up at him. Bumblebee whirled in delight, running and leaping on to of Wheeljack, Smokescreen laying on top of the scout. Arcee climbed on top of them all, smirking.

"Uuugh, Orion, tell them to get of me, I'm gonna diiie" Magnus groaned. Optimus simply looked at him and grinned.

"Wimp." Ratchet walked over and sat next to them all, smiling at the pile. Miko took out her phone and got everyone in frame.

"Everyone say cheese!" she called, gaining their attention and snapping the best picture ever.


Optimus and Magnus sat on top of base, Optimus laying sleepily against his older brother's shoulder.

"What made you change your mind?" he asked.

"I realized that in respecting you as an authority figure and in wanting respect as an authority figure to others, I was neglecting the feelings not of my leader, but my little brother" Magnus responded. "The little brother I promised to protect and keep happy." Optimus nodded, hugging Magnus.

"I love you Maggy" he hummed, closing his optics.

"I love you too Lil' O..."


Wholesome Sibling Shenanigans. 

Both of them need to loosen up and have fun. 

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