Care ~ Tfp Ratchet x HUMAN! FEMALE! Reader

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Dedicated to my Sister, Prima Sirius Pax


Y/n wasn't feeling the best. Her stomach gurgled and rolled feverishly, her head ached, she couldn't breathe through her nose, it was awful. She didn't have a temprature, however, so her mother sent her to school anyway. Y/n didn't want to deal with the nurse, knowing she'd do nothing helpful, so she decided to hold out.

And hold out she did.

The day dragged out horribly long, the slow ticking if the clock torturous. Finally, the bell rang and Y/n dragged herself to her locker, formulating a plan to go home and down cold medicine and pass out in hopes her ailment passed over. She grabbed her bag and headed out... walking out the doors just as her bus left.
"You have GOT to be KIDDING ME" Y/n whined, her stuffy nose making her voice sound funny. After a short debate over whether or not it'd be better to just curl up and die on the spot, she continued down the steps and began her trekk home.

It was a terrible idea. The hot sun made everything worse. With Y/n's brain struggling to function despite heat and illness, she had lost focus and gotten lost. She looked dazedly around the alley, an overwhelming feeling of helplessness overcoming her. She started to cry, staggering around aimlessly, calling for help. Eventually, she collapsed from exhaustion and fell asleep sobbing...


Pleasantly cool temprature is the first thing Y/n noticed as she woke. The second thing she noticed was the big soft blanket over her body. She groaned and started to sit up, but her body felt like bricks and she couldn't support herself. But she still tried.
"Stop that, you're going to hurt yourself." Y/n gasped and looked up, taking in the familiar features of her Autobot Guardian, Ratchet. He looked at her with sad and worried optics, a datapad in his servo.
"How did I get here?" Y/n asked, frowning a bit.
"Smokescreen said he found you passed out in an alley and brought you here" Ratchet responded, sighing. "Y/n-"
"Thanks for the help but I'm not sticking around" Y/n stated bitterly, starting to try and get up again. She ended up collapsing in a coughing fit.
"Y/n, you are in no condition to go anywhere right now" Ratchet huffed. "You have nasal congestion, some sort of stomach virus, and fever of a hundred-and-two."
"I didn't have a fever this morning..."
"Yes well, that happens when you're sick and don't REST." Y/n looked up at the medic again, tired eyes meeting equally tired but stern optics. She sniffed, feeling tears well up. Ratchet frowned, setting the datapad down. "What's wrong?" Y/n then lost it, sobbing miserably.
"I-I missed yoooou!" she wailed, her body wracking with a sudden cough. Ratchet lifted her up, cupping her in his servos carefully before sitting on a medical berth.
"Sh sh sh, it's alright-"
"NO! It's not alright! I wanted to come back, Ratchet! I really did!"
"Why didn't you?" Y/n hicced, looking at him in pain.
"I was t-too scared" she whimpered. "I was too scared of c-coming back and watching you all get hurt or even... Even... I c-can't take it if I lose you..." Ratchet sighed and held Y/n to his chassis, closing his optics.
"But you still did, didn't you?" Y/n sniffled and nodded, coughing. "Y/n, I know you were dragged into this and that it's terrifying for you... None of us blame you for wanting to leave... But, as much as we worry for your safety, we all miss you... I miss you."
"You sick too, Doc Bot?" Ratchet huffed, rubbing her cheek with his thumb.
"... Yes..." Y/n blinked frowning. Ratchet smiled slightly, dipping his helm forward and carefully kissing the top of her head. It was a strange sensation, to have warm, slightly pliable metal pressed ever so gently to her head. It made Y/n blush.
"Please, stay... I can't lose you." Y/n leaned up and kissed his chin lightly, making Ratchet smile and color his cheekplates with a faint blue.
"Love you."
"Love you too."

Pic above is my Cat, Xena
Should a do a prequel to this?

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