Chapter 16

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Guys 1000 reads!! Well here a bonus chapter, I hope you like it :)

Skylar's pov

"Woow! What 'cha doing?" Joe shouts as I walk over to the oven. "I was gonna make some food," I reply. He runs over and picks me up. I giggle and he sets me down a few meters away. I give him a puzzled look.

"I wasn't going to set the place on fire...again," I confess.

"Skylar you were making cereal!" he laughs. I should probably ask Andy for cooking advice. Pete walks in and asks"Hay guys what's up?" Joe puts on a serious tone. " I caught Skylar about to cook."

Pete puts a hand to his mouth in horror and I can't help but laugh. "You guys suck!" I snigger and walk out.

I run upstairs and get my phone from where I left it charging in the hall. I have a message from Stacey:

When can I come over?

I sigh to myself, I completely forgot about her.

Em, nows not a good-sorry. I'll let you know when.

I felt guilty even though are friendship with her has lasted about 12 hours. I pocket my phone and see Patrick in my room. "Hay," I say and his face lights up when he sees me. "Hi, how are you?" "Good," I return and he sits on my bed. His face turns suddenly serious.

" No really, yesterday wasn't pretty...," he stops not being able to describe it. " I'm fine. I've felt with stuff like that for as long as I can remember." I shrug it off and sit beside him. A worried expression comes on his cute face. He looks at my arm and I subconsciously pull it down. Damn, make it more obvious your hiding something.

His eyes widen and his voice comes out gentle. "Sky let me see your arm..please," I panic. Quickly I stutter out "Oh no i-its not th-that, I'd never."

He breaths a sigh of relief and I show him my arm. It was just brushed from when Bree was pulling Ruth off me but she had a death grip on my arm. I tell him and Trick chuckles nervously.

"Sorry I assumed, but you know you can tell me anything that's on your mind. You know that right?" he looked into my eyes and smiled and I blushed. Patrick pulled me into a hug and I mumbled " And same for you,"

We stay like that for a good while and its amazing. I notice Patrick's looking at my piano. "Can you play?" I ask. He blushes "Not really, enough to get by."

I scramble up and pull him over to it. " Please play." I beg. He blushes even darker and looks at the keys. I smile as he plays 'Golden'. Patricks humming the words to himself as he plays. Iwonder does he even rrealise he's doing it.

He ends with a loud thud and turns to me "Sorry, I'm a little rusty." "What! Your amazing!" and I quickly give him a peck on the lips.(kiss number 3!).

He smiles and my face rushes with heat. Patrick's about to open his mouth when I do the unthinkable and grab his fedora and run.

His surprise buys me a few seconds but I can hear his foot steps behind me. I burst through the door and hide behind Joe.

Patrick speeds in and Pete tackles him to the ground. I can't contain my laugh as Pete helps Patrick up with a grin on his face. I put the fedora back on him with a grin on him and wink at Trick, he winks back.

Andy comes in and yells"Dinners ready!" We all cheer and pile into the kitchen. Pete smurks to me "You know if anyone else touched the fedora they'd be dead." "Yes but Sky's not anyone else," Trick replies- How cute is this man!

I smile to myself as the guys make oohs and awws. Then I feel Patrick holding my hand under the table and my smile grows.

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