Chapter 6

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Patrick's pov

I woke up to a cushion being thrown at my head. "Wakey wakey Pat." I opened an eye lazely to see Andy loading Pete with another cushion.

"Ugh go away," I mumbled rolling onto my side just as they threw another. The room was quiet for a few seconds then they tipped over the couch sending me on the floor. This means war!

Just as I was about to throw a blue square at Joe's head I remembered last night. My feet gave away. No no no, I'm in the reckroom,it really did happen-Skylar's pregnant!

"Whoa! Whats wrong dude?" Pete said ad Joe pulled me onto the other couch. "Is this about last night?" Pete asked intensly. Blank faces appeared on Andy and Joe. Of course they'd be confused only Pete was in the room. Well I suppose they'll find out one way or another.

Reluctantly I began "You know that girl I was with two weeks back?" "Yeah, you wouldn't stop talking about her." Joe replied. "Shes kind of pregnant." I murmured.

They didn't act much better than I or Pete did. Then Andy began to laugh "Your joking right?" But my solem expression was the answer.

"Wheres Skylar now? Didn't you ask her wait here or something?" Pete said. I sighed "Yep, I did but she took off."

Shocked, Joe said"Well do you know where she lives?" "Nope but I have something." I said while holding up the phone. "It might do." Pete snatched the phone and went through it. I held my breath hoping for him to find a clue. When he smiled I knew he'd struck gold-What can't this boy do?

"Come to my party,address is 24 woodlake drive ....smiely face. It was sent last week to a bunch of her contacts." he replied while clicking off the phone.

"Thats in the next city, bit of a drive but we can get there before it gets too dark." Joe suggested. But then Andy said something thats been crossing my mind.

" Patrick, do you really wanna do this? I mean we won't judge," he said while putting his hands in the air. The others stared at me.

Were they really thinking I'm like this? "Of course, I'm doing this, I'm going to be apart of my kids life."I pushed up my glasses which had fallen down.

They all let out a breath. "Few, just making sure you were still our Pat." Pete said. "Come on get your stuff, were leaving." Andy took out the vans keys and ran out. Joe followed. Pete pushed me on putting a hand on my shoulder. "Its now or never Pat." I sighed "Yep, I just hope she wants me." 

Together we walked out of the reckroom.

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