Chapter 27

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Skylar's pov 

"So how are you?" I let out an annoyed breath. Bree won't stop asking me how I am, I think she's more 'tramatiesd' than I am.

"I fine," I use a reassuring tone but she just nods not convinced.

I look out the car window. My three days are up with Ruth! I absentmindly shudder. That was an experience.

"So are you excited about the tour?" Bree asks breaking the silence. "Heck yea! Its gonna be sooo  much fun, are you sure you can't come?" Now she let's out a breath.

" Yup, someone has to keep Ruth in check besides I got tickets for when your in Chicago!" Bree says happily.

"Really! Yay, so I'll see you in December."

My heart starts beating rapidly as we pull into the truck yard with steel buses towering over us. They're surprisingly intimidating.

Bree parks up and I get out with my bag. She pulls me into a hug." Now don't have that kid without me there!" She smiles releasing me. "Wouldn't dream of it," I grin back.

I wave her off and turn around. Crap I'm alone. Where should I go....

"Sky!" I hear a yell. No, is he out of the hospital? He was pretty hurt.

Suddenly I feel hands pick me up from behind and I giggle."Hi Trick," he puts me down and I face him.

Oh god how do I diserve this man? "Hay, what's up?" He asks and kisses me, then again and again. They're only pecks but in between I manage""

Patrick smiles and takes my bag. Which makes me grin more. "Come on I'll show you the bus!" He says excitedly and I follow.

"Panic haven't arrived yet so its just us," Patrick explains and opens the door.I climb in.

Whoa!!! This place is hudge!

The guys jump up from the couch and bear hug me." Missed you!" I hear Pete say. "Ah can't breath," I say. "Guys stop crushing my girlfriend!" Patrick fake moans.

They peel off and I cover my face with my hand so no one sees my grin.

After the tour of are bus which Joe calls the libiothin we sit on the couch- which is in the living part of the bus.

Patrick and Joe launch into a game while me, Andy and Pete sit back and joke about their expressions.

"Oh Andy has news!" Patrick laughs. I turn my head to him and smile he has a blank expression on.

"Andrew here has volentered to be your midwife on this tour!" Pete grins and slaps a hand on his shoulders.Andy looks like he might faint!

I burst out laughing and so do the rest. Oh this is gonna be fun.

Hay guys im so sorry if that was really boring filler chapter, I'll try get another one out as soon as possible. Oh and Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! Hope you have/ had a good one ;)

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