Chapter 21

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Patrick's pov

I'm sooo happy! Just bought a new fedora, which makes number....hmn..a lot.

"You really love hat shopping huh?" Joe laughs. I grin "Yep and now I'm gonna show Sky my fedorable fedora!" "Ha fedorable!" Andy giggles as we turn a corner. My phone starts to ring.

I take it out of my coat pocket- yay Pete. "Hey Pete where are you?" I ask.

"She's got Skylar!" He yells.

I freeze in my tracks, Joe and Andy give me a weird look. "Where are you?!" "The girls bathroom, second floor," Pete squeeks. I take off at a sprint. He's joking, this can't be happening! Kylie has never gone this far.

I spot the bathroom and see Pete on the floor. I glance around. The broken glass makes my stomach drop, no joke. I slide down the wall and put my head in my hands, worry and dred flush over me.

I hear Andy and Joe run in and Pete explains how he just left Sky for a 'second'. Rage suddenly fills me. "You never should have left her!" I yell at Pete while standing.

"I didn't think," he replies, looking at the floor shocked by my sudden out burst.

"No, no you didn't! Cause its always you, now Sky and the baby are in danger!" Tears start to flow down his cheek and mine.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Andy on the phone to 911 and Joe wondering if he should say something.

"I'm s-sorry," he stutters. I shake it off and properly take in the room. A red wrist band catches my eye on the floor, Sky's. Something clicks inside and my anger turns to sorrow.

I turn back to Pete "Its not your fault, sorry dude." I murmur. His eyes light up at my apology.

No point killing each other, that's what Kylie would want. I walk over to the wrist band and pick it up, funny its wet.

Wait that's blood.

I almost fall over. Joe and Pete notice and steady me."Why," I sniff and hand Pete the wrist band. His face turns pale and Joe goes even quieter.

Andy interrupts the silence when he comes back inside "The police will be here in 10 minutes and we'll have to stick around to give our account." Times like this I'm grateful for Andy's levelheadedness.

"Oh who's gonna tell Bree?" Joe says. Damn more people to get worried to death.

"I'll do it," Pete croaks and walks outside. Its my fault this happened. If we don't find her I don't know what I'll do.

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