Chapter 24

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Patrick's pov

"Hay guys what's that glowing?" I point weakly at the direction we're driving towards.

"Is that house on fire?" Joe says. "Don't say that," Andy whispers but I still hear it. "Bro, everything's gonna be fine," Pete coos beside me. This better not be a repeat of Joe's ex.

The closer we get to the house the more I realise its a repeat. DEFINATELY A REPEAT!! I have to find her.

Andy pulls up at the driveway of this 2 storey burning mess of a house. I jump out and the others fallow. The is so intense and the light makes my eyes squint.

My breath starts to shake.

I hear Andy on the phone and see Joe and Pete talking about what to do.

But there's no time, I have to do something. I have to save Sky! Breathing quickly I sink into the shadows.

Maybe I can get through a window? Crack. My foot breaks a stick. Damn, Pete looks around and spots me. He looks pissed.

"Patrick what are you doing? Get back its not safe!" But I keep walking towards the house."PATRICK! Stop you'll kill yourself!" I hear Pete shout and its getting louder so he must be walking to me.

I inhale and glance over my shoulder. Joes holding his arm- the grip won't hold long.

Surprising both of them and myself I make a dash to the back door. I kick it open and run into the living room.

There's flame all around me. A thick layer of smoke has gathered. Too late to turn back now, I hold my sleeve over my mouth and start to search frantically.

Nobody in the living room and the kitchen. I sprint to the bathroom but a flaming falling beam stops my path. Damn that was too close.

I shake it off and find the stairs. I feel a layer of sweat on my face. I jump around the burned steps. My heart is racing, can't believe I'm doing this.

I find a room and open the door, flames hit me and I cry out. I slowly open the other door but its empty.

There's still some down stairs rooms I haven't checked.

I put a foot on the stairs and it gives away. I hit the ground hard. Holy smokes....I'm gonna go up in smokes!

This room is an inferno but wait there's a person on the ground by the door. I narrow my eyes- its a girl person!

Quickly I hop up to only double over in a fit of coughing, someone might have to save me I sigh.

I limp over the not burning floor and reach the person.Creeeaaaakkkk...crashhh. I whip my head around, the stairs just collapsed onto where I was a few seconds ago.

I scoup the girl into my arms and run out of the room into the hall while painting. The front door is just a few feet away.

Not thinking about the pain in my legs I run. Catching some flames on the way which only slow me down.

I burst through the door, put the person on the ground before collapsing on the ground coughing. After my lungs stop burning slightly I glance to see the persons "Kylie?"

She smiles "Knew you wouldn't leave me," she winks but looks as tired as I feel.

Burning rage fills me. "Where is she?" But it only comes out as a whisper."What?" She guestures, putting a hand to hear ear. "Where is she!!" I yell putting every bit of strength I had left into it. But she just winks again.

I hear syrins and Joe shout"There he is!" And suddenly I'm whisked on to a stretcher. Pete hugs me with tears in his eyes.

"Thought we lost you!" Andy smiles. "Yeah, but I lost Skylar," I say and my body starts to shake probably from the burns on my arms and leg.

"No way, it was Kylie you saved!" Joe says with shock. I feel sick. Pete takes hold of my shoulder. His face is full of controlled anger.

"You get well, we'll find her," he smiles but it didn't touch the worry in his eyes. Their the last thing I see as I'm wheeled into the ambulance.

Skylar's pov

Keep running, she could be following, just keep running. After a while my legs cut out and I sit on a log.

How the heck am I gonna find help? I look around the darkness and see, wait, car lights!

Slowly I stumble to a stand and begin to walk, ignoring the pain in my legs. If there's car lights, its a road there'll be people!

I can get lift, who wouldn't help a pregnant girl with dirty clothes that's just walked out from a woods?

Regrets(Fall Out Boy/Patrick Stump Fan fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin