Chapter 31

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Hay guys don't hate me but since a baby takes about 9 mounths to develop expect a few time lapes..and seriously almost 6000 reads!?! And over 400 votes, thanks soo much! Itsa huge confidence boost and its all thanks to you guys!!

Skylar's pov

"The nights not over yet!" Patrick had said.

We walked out of the venue then the two bands piled into a club a few blocks away, most of us went to the bar. Me, Andy and Spencer sit at the nearest table.

"So what do we do?" I ask making conversion buy really my mind is searching for Patrick.

Pete had dragged him away almost half an hour ago into the crowd. This place must be pretty popular as its packed out although none of us has been noticed yet.

"We're the designated friends." Andy laughs and a smile appears on my face. "Oh you don't drink?" Spencer asks looking actually interested.

Andy gives me a weird look and if it wasn't for the darkness Spence would've seen my face burning. I mean I don't drink anyway but the baby certainly stops any peer pressure.

"Nope," I laugh awkwardly. Seeing my discomfort Andy starts talking about which sticks are the best in which I excuse myself.

Spencer is really friendly but I've no clue when it comes to drums. I start to weeve my way through the  crowd.

Where is everyone?

At times like this its useful being small as I reach the bar in a few seconds but there's no sigh of anyone.Damn it Pete! Where's my boyfriend?

I stand on my tipitoes as someone tickles me from behind. I jump and turn to see Brendon laughing his head off.

"Made you jump!" "Sure did," I reply with a grin and notice his shirt which is wet.

Did he pour his beer on himself?.... I can't help not laugh!

Within a second Pete's here giving me a bear hug. "Missed you!" He sings. "Same here," I laugh and steady him as he almost topples over.

"Hay, Skylar have you had any?" Brendon asks and holds up a full can with a cheeky smile. "Oh I can't," I blurt "But you have it."

"Really why?" He pouts. Pete starts to laugh "Dude, you don't know, she's p-" "Really tired!" I almost yell cutting off Pete.

Brendon smiles and runs away to find 'Dal and Ryyy." (Yes both Dallon and Ryan are here in this story :p)

The second he's out of ear shout I shoot Pete daggers. "Hay what's that for?" He looks confused. "You almost told him!" I gasp. "Ohh opps," Pete mumbles and scratchs his head.

I get a text from Andy:

We've got Joe, Dallon and Ryan can  you help get the rest. Meet at the doorway :)

I sigh.

"Come on Pete," and begin to lead him away. Eventually I find Patrick in a headed conversion with Brendon- both look so passionate.

"I know right!" Trick says looking proud. "Y-y-you're so right, glasses do make you look insstantly smarter!!" Brendon giggles. Seriously? Theses guys are weird drunk...but funny.

I snap a finger and get their attention. Patrick's face lights up straight away. "Skyyy!" He yells and runs over.

I'm about to hug him when Pete scoups me into his arms and runs in the opposite direction. "Peteee! Get your own girlfriend!" Patrick giggles and follows.


After about 20 minutes  we all regroup in front of the club
Andy explains how we are staying in the hotel next door.

Spencer sets off with Ryan and Dallon in his grip as we've all been given a pair to manage. Andy follows with Joe and Brendon who won't stop skipping.

And I'm left with Patrick and Pete.

Pete's buzz has kind of fizzled and he refuses to get up off of the pavement. "Andy! Can I trade with you!" I shout as he walks ahead.

"No! You can't get rid of him or else we can't be the three musketeers!" Patrick yells and pulls Pete up. Thank god.

"Alright come on," I say and take hold of Patrick's arm before he runs off. He engulfs me in a hug and Pete starts to whine.

"Not fair!" "Whatsss not?" Trick slurs, his eyes are drooping from tiredness. "Why won't Bree like me!?" Pete says tone irritated and looks at me.

I shrug my shoulders. Dose he really like her? I sigh inwards when Patrick's head dips and he falls asleep on my shoulder and Pete starts a tantrum.

We havnt even reached the club parking lot! This is gonna be a long night.

Ohh nice bit of Sky/Patrick at the end, can't help but ship them.But would they be Paylar, Skytrick?Haohhhputwhat what you want their ship name to be in the comments! AnyhowI'vesomethingfunplanned (Ithink)... :)

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