Chapter 9

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Hey guys! Thanks so much for the reads its great to know that people actually like the story! And I know today isn't saturday but I'm on christmas break so for the next two weeks I'll be updating and adding extra long chapters. Sorry if the story is a bit slow at the moment-It'll pick up ;p -so I hope you like Chapter 9!

Sklar's pov

The car ride flew by. It was every fangirl's dream. Andy drove,Joe rode shot gun,I sat beside Patrick and Pete leaned in from the back.It was so strange like I've know these guys all my life.Every time a song came on that we knew we'd scream our heads off. I felt kind of bad because they all harminised so well so I held back.

It wasn't long until Andy drove into the diveway and we all filed out of the van. Joe lead the house tour-a games room, 5 bedrooms and a huge kitchen!

Then stopped outside my new room which was across from Patrick's. He lead us in.

Amazing can't even describe my words! 

The walls are pure white,theres an actual piano in the corner and a walk in wardrobe-This is so awsome!!!

"Hope you like it, Pete picked out everything." Andy saulted him. Pete mockingly took a bow and added " The walls are really good for absorbing paint so have fun!"--My room is a canvas!

My horonomes picked the worst moment to kick in and my eyes watered up. "Sorry is it that bad?" Patrick said worry flashing on his face.

"Its perfect." I said. "Group hug!" Joe shouted. We did. Andy playfully pushed Pete out and Joe fallowed while Patrick waited at the door.

"You should probibly rest, Petes gonna get your stuff tomorrow." He began to leave but I said "Hey Patrick!" "Yeah?" he turned back.

"Thank you." "No problem, really," he said while holding my gaze. He closed the door as I jumped onto my new double bed!

This is so crazy! A werid joy filled me as I got up and sat at the piano. My dad taught me how to play before he left,I wonder will I teach the baby?

Well of cousre Patrick can teach him/her guitar sooo maybe and maybe he could teach me how to play guitar aswell.

Lost in thought I just kept playing.

Patrick's pov

Me and Andy stood outside Skylar's room while she played. "Shes really good!"Andy mouthed. "I konw!" I mouthed back.

"Well get some rest too." Andy whispered as he walked to his room but I didn't move. I put my hand on the doorknob to her room. What am I doing? Slowly I took away my hand and walked into my room.

I stop though,my reflection catching me off gaurd from my mirror.

I look at my face and feel sick. Dark thoughts creep into my mind but like always I push them away. But lately its getting harder to ignore them...maybe they're right. This time I physically shake my head-Its not healthy to think like that.

I stare at my ceiling that night(well what was left of it). Relief was an understatement.

I'm so happy Skylar agreed to come with us,with me.

And good thing too Pete thought to make a room for her, hes always been good with girls. Me..... not really but Skylars different, I can actually talk to her and not feel awkward.

Waiting for her mom to go to bed crossed my mind. When she peeked out the window I didn't expect her to look so much like Skylar, almost scary. But I didn't fell comfortable with her being there,she was obviously drunk out of her mind. So if Skylar didn't come with me I hoped she wouldn't stay with her.

This is actually gonna happen, it still hasn't sunken in yet even though I keep telling myself.

Would the baby stay in my room or Skylar's? Or would we share a room? Would we share a bed? Would she want me that close to her?

Skylar kept saying she ruined my life with the news but have I ruined hers?

Doubht flooded my mind until my eyes grew heavy and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Just wondering do you guys like the new direction with Patrick?And/or should I make it more cute??

Feedback please!! And have a nice day/night :D

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