Chapter 14

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Hay guys sorry if this chapter is really short I'll make the next one longer to make up for it. And as always thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoy this one!!

Skylar's POV

I woke up the next morning at 8am next to the toilet. Apparently I wasn't over my morning sickness. I quickly clean myself up and meet Joe in the hall.

"Are you okay?"he asks. I brush away his concern."Fine,besides I won't miss a chance to see you guys record!" He laughs"There will be other days," I just shake it off.

Suddenly I feel a little light headed. Worry appears on Joe's face.

"I'm ok-" I begin but my eyes shut and my legs buckle, I think Joe caught me.

My eye lazily opens. I'm in bed? How? Oh yeah I fainted. I see a note on my pillow and read it

-Sky, sorry we had to leave. We'll be back around six (with food!) Oh Andy thinks you might've been dehydrated so there's a bottle of water on your locker. Feel better :)


I smile to myself, even in note form he's adorable.

After awhile of drinking water in bed I get up and go outside. Now that I think of it I haven't met any neighbours or seen if there's any cool trees or parks.

There's a few houses nothing much. I've almost circled back when I see a girl. What catches my eye is that she's wearing a Fall Out Boy T-shirt.

"Nice top," I say and smile at her."Thanks,"she smiles back."Are you a fan?" She gives me the understatment of the century look and I laugh.

She says her names Stacey. Her hair is blond and looks about 19.

"I'd love to meet them!"shes sighs. I would never say this normally but Stacey seems really trustworthy.

"If you want I could arrange something?" And I'm all about helping a fellow fangirl. "REALLY!.How?!" she beams. "I'm kind of Patrick's girlfriend," I say shyly, still can't believe it myself.

Her jaw drops literally and I laugh. I get Stacey's number. And she starts to walk away. "Thanks,"she calls."No problem," oh I've missed talking to a girl, how weird is that?

I get to the house just as it gets dark,pour a glass of water and sit on the couch. How long more will the guys be? This house is really weird without them,almost creepy.

Somehow I drift off asleep while watching some game show.

A car pulling up into the drive way wakes me up. Yay! The guys are back! I jump up, check my hair in the mirror and skip over to the door.

I hope they got me some chicken lately I've craving meat-strange huh? Next month will probably be something like bread.

I open the door to see a figure get out of the car followed by a running figure.

"Your dead!" The running one shouts.

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