Chapter 4

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Patrick's pov

Clank.The minute the door closed my brain went into over drive. Is this actually happening? Is she being serious?-No Skylar wouldn't joke about this kind of thing, or WOULD SHE?? My head started to shake back and fourth in my hands. Why this and why now! I'm gonna only be 19 in two weeks. I sooooooooo should've used protection and why didn't I? Oh yeah because I didn't think getting pregnant was that easy I thought angrily.

Through out the panic I knew one thing.I would be with her every step of the way. Its my fault so I'll stand up for my actions. I know guys who walked out on a girl and I won't be one of them.

Hesitantly I stood up, feeling a rush of dizziness then something pink caught my eye. On the couch was Skylar's phone. It must've fallen out of her pocket. I pocketed it to give to her when she came back.

Huh, I let out a breath.I walked out from the room and down the hall into the bathroom. Seeing my reflection was shocking. My face looked sagged and my eyes held a constant panic expression. No wonder she wanted to get away from me. I took off my hat and glasses and left them on the sink. Then splashed cold water in my face which actually cleared my head. Does she even want me in her child's life? As quick as the thought came I banished it. Of course she would. Why else would she drive 2 hours to tell me and leave?

After another face splashing I put back on my hat and glasses.No point delaying this. I left and walked back to the rekroom but Skylar still wasn't there. How long could it take to say bye to a sister?

I walked down the hall and through another room.Then down a flight of stairs-it really did take some time to get outside.Then I got outside.

It wasn't the night's temperature that chilled me but the realisation that Skylar had left. There was no cars to be seen. My mouth went dry. Did she really not want my help? Why?

Slowly I walked around the block. Maybe she lost her way back or wanted to strech her 2 o'clock in the morning.Good thing though for the late hour, no one to recignise me.

After what felt like half an hour of walking I came full circle and headed back inside.The place was dead.Once again I checked the rekroom but no Skylar. Tirdness taking over I flopped on the couch. Pete and Andy were probibly in the room but my head wasn't in the mood for talking. Nothing can be done I suppose until tomorrow.

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