Chapter 13

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Skylar's pov

After an amazing kiss we pull back, just as well I'm feeling a little lightheaded. Patrick is smiling too.

"Come on, I want to show you something." I tease. I sprint from the van and he's flat on my heels quicky up the stairs. Patrick beats me to my room but being the gentleman he waits for me to go in first."Come on," I say.

Since I arrived I've been painting on the walls and I've completely finished one side and I wanted Patrick to be the first to see it.

I turn to face him and hes smiling so big right now. "Sky your such a good artist! How did you do this!" I feel my cheeks flushing. Patrick points to my drawings. "Like you could do this as a job, oh please do my room next,"

It never occured to me but other than Bree Patrick is the only one who has ever complemented me before.

I turn to look at him and he's knee!?!

"Uh Trick," "Shh,please don't interrupt me while I have the courage. So I know we haven't known each other long and I don't want you to feel pressured but... do you want to go out with me?" He asks.(hehe did you think he was going to ask something else? ;D)

My heart dose a flip and my breath leaves, he would want to go out with me? Oh he's looking at me-answer Skylar "Of course!" I jump into his arms twice in one night, have I won the lottery?

Patrick's pov

I'm so happy she said yes! When she didn't answer I thought her pause was her trying to think of a good way to say no.

We're sitting on the couch watching some terrible sitcom and my arms around her. She feels so small and warm.

I look at her and realise she's asleep. When did that happen? My body is practically buzzing right now. Slowly I get up from the couch and put a blanket around Skylar and go into the kitchen.

"Finally!"Andy,Joe and Pete say when I walk in. I just smile but feel the heat rushing to my face. "So are you two a thing now?" Joe winks.

"Yep, I asked her about 3 hours ago." I reply looking at my watch. "You ladykiller," Pete grins.

"Oh how did the scan go?" Andy asks and the others nod. "Good actually but it dosn't really feel like a baby will be here in 8 months," I confess. And thats the thing it really dosn't.

"Well don't stay up too late remember we're meeting with the record company tomorrow," Oh yeah! How could I forget. "Will do," I say while going back to the living room as I hear a flood of "Bye Romeo" or "lover boy!"

Laughing to myself I sit back on the couch.

You guys just whoa really thanks for reading-even though I don't think the story deserves it.

Anyways I hope this chapter was good!! Until my next update bye my car crash hearts and young bloods XD

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