Chapter 23

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Patrick's pov

When Joe finished reading the note my mind went into overdrive. "So she wants us to find her in a place we'd expect?" Pete said while pouting his lips.

Even now his thinking face makes me smile."What about her house, its only a few doors down from us!" Andy says, springing into action.

Yeah, that's really obvious as its only 200 meters away.

"Drive!" Joe shouts as we pull away. I know its only a guess but I can't help hoping. I just want Sky back in my arms safe.

"OK we won't," Pete says as I look over. I never realised he was on the phone- oops.

"What was that?" I ask. He smiles as Andy pulls up outside the house.

"I rang the police to say we were checking out an idea. They don't want us walking into danger and advised we go go home." My heart sank.

"What? And you're gonna listen to them?" He winks "Nope!" And jumps out. I shake my head it is Pete after all.

Slowly we creep up to the door, maybe waiting until morning would've been smart. "Ah!" I hear.

"What's wrong?" I ask the darkness. "I hit my foot off the step," Andy grumbles. To my right I could hear Joe trying not to burst out laughing.

When we reach the door Pete takes out his phone and uses it as a torch, we all do the same.

He puts his hand on the door and whispers "Fan out, search high and low," "Sir yes sir," I mock Sault him.

Pete kicks the door open and runs in. I fallow. The house has no furniture in it....

I run upstairs and get a strange feeling. I meet a hall and take the first room- empty. Then the second- empty.

When I run to the third I'm panicking. Where is she?!

The room is exactly like the others except for a note on the ground. My mouth goes dry and I drop my phone. The bang unfreezes me. Shakely I pick it up and walk over to the envelope. Its just lying there, is this a trap?

Gingerly I pick it up and open it

Good guess but you'll have to think harder than that. I hope you figure it out soon, Kylie xxxx.

Pete rushes in "I heard a noise," he says frantically. In seeing my expression he reads the note and pulls me into a hug. No tears fall but just this growing feeling of despair.

We regroup in the van.

"Well as its addressed to Pattycakes it must be something to do with just the two of you." Pete thinks out loud and I cringe at at the name.

Joe looks at me "Any ideas?" I lift my fedora and scratch my head. "Not off the top of my head. I was only properly  alone togerther with Kylie once and that's when...holy smokes!"

"What is it?" Pete jumps to life."When she tried to kiss me at her old house!" That must be it.

"Where is that?" Andy calls while starting the engine. "Em, its north of the city near the forest."

I look around the van, Andy driving as fast as he can, Joe yelling direction, Pete smiling and so am I. Just hope this idea is right!

Skylar's pov

I let out a sigh as Kylie leaves. All she did this time was move boxes into the room. What is she planning?

I walk over to one and open it. I take up a handful of straw? What? At least it feels like straw in this dim light, it could be paper.

I use a bit to cover some of my cuts, they keep opening and Kylie kicking me doesn't help.

The bandage works surprisingly well. Hmm, wonder what's in the others.

I open the second its more straw, this time slightly wet with something. The third and the fourth are the same. Well that was interesting, I walk over to the small window.

It was stuck when I tried it first but maybe a box can give me extra height.

As I plonk the first one down a strange smell fills the room. I look at the door to see smoke blowing from underneath it and a crack of fire!

I start to panic. Quickly I jump on the box and start hitting the window. I dare glance back at the door and its in flames. The latch won't budge, I'm not strong enough, come on pregnancy powers!!

Something explodes behind me. It must've been petrol on the straw. The heat is so intense, my lungs are starting to aching.

Another box explodes and some sparks hit my arm. I cry out. Is this how it ends? I'll never meet the baby..

No! I shake those thoughts away and hit the window again- it breaks!! Just in time I pull myself out of the room and onto the ground.

I take off running into the forest behind the house. The only light I get is from the flames behind me.

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