Chapter 28

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Skylar's pov

The next few hours pass in a daze of chaos.

Panic arrived and we all met up. Brendon smiled so big when he saw me "Hay! Your alive!" He said in a hug. "Yup, just barely," I smiled back.

We had to hit the road a few minutes after that. I frowned, hopefully the two bands can hang out more.

Then we divided up onto FOB bus and Panic's with each member on their own. Joe explained that at the beginning of the tour we sleep on the same buses but into the tour we just go 'where ever'.

We pilled into our bus. It was a long drive to Minneapolis so I headed straight to my bunk.


I can hear the guys mucking about at the front of the bus. "I'm the CHAMPION!" Pete's voice booms. I can't help but chuckle.

"Noway you cheated!" Joe yells back with a playful tone. I turn onto my side, why can't I sleep?

The rocking of the bus isn't helping. I feel a sick feeling grow and my hand instinctively jumps to my stomach. Are you kidding me!

Please don't tell me I'm getting travel sick! We haven't even properly started the western leg of the tour.

I take in a breath.

After a couple of minutes my breathing evens out and the sick feeling leaves-Yay.

Hopefully it won't continue, that would be a real killjoy. Creek, the door opens that's separating the front part to the back. I hear foot steps approach. Ah damn.

My mind isn't in the mood for talking. Suddenly my curtains are ripped open and my eyes dart closed. I've become pretty good at playing being asleep.

I hear the curtains close-phew- but the person sits in beside me.

He chuckles "Sky, I know your awake." I huff and so up so my backs to the wall like his."Damn your good," I mumble to Patrick.

"Need some sleep?" He laughs. I cross my arms "I hate when your right," I tease. "So what's up?"

Patrick turns his head to look at my belly and lays a gentle hand on it. "How far along are we?" He asks with a smile.

"We?" I repeat. He rolls his eyes "You know what I meant."

"I know its fun to tease you, em about 10 weeks. Almost finished the first trimester," I beam. The first trimester is meant to be the worst because of bloating and morning sickness.

"Awsome," Trick says with a happy tone. My heart flutters. Patrick takes his hand away and puts on an unsure expression.

"I was wondering...well only want to-" "Spit it out Stump," I ask curiously.

"Are you ready to tell people?" He blurts out. I freeze.

"Don't people already know, I mean like look," I gesture down. He shakes his head no. I take in a breath."Who would we be telling?"

"Just panic, we could practise with them," he says as if trying to treasure me. I don't know why I'm suddenly nervous. Maybe its the thought of them looking and judgeing.

"Sky? We don't have to if your not ready," he whispers. I nod in agreement. I'm not. I'm soooo not ready.

I look at Patrick and he pulls me into a hug. "Its okay," he coos. And I fall asleep in his warm and comforting arms.

Regrets(Fall Out Boy/Patrick Stump Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now