Chapter 20

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Skylar's POV

Do you ever feel like people are staring at you? We are shopping in the mall and it feels like I'm being....judged. I look down at my tummy, I've began to show.

"You okay?" I look into Trick's eyes and put on a smile. "Yup." He returns it. "You're just a little quiet," he adds.

I look down as we walk through the stores following Joe. Trick holds my hand and I feel a little less selfconsious.

"Are you glad to be out of the house?" he whispers to me.

I smile and whisper "It was starting to feel like house arrest." He let's out a chuckle.

Pete's POV

I'm leading up the back of the group. Patrick and Skylar are being their cute selves but somethings up with her, maybe I should talk to her.

We come to a stop by a sign and decide on groups so we can shop for what we want. An idea flashes in my mind.

"Skylar didn't you say you wanted my opinion on shoes?" Her face is blank for a second but replies "Oh yeah."

"Well, see you guys in a while," Andy smiles and walks on. I see Patrick give Skylar's hand a squeeze as he leaves. She looks at me and smiles "Shoes?"

We end up talking about random things while browsing.

Skylar picks up a size 6 shoe with a smile, frowns then puts it back.

"What was that?" I ask intruged. "Oh you saw that?" she blushes. "Yup." "Well because of the extra water I've taken on, my feet are swelling and going up in size."

"Oh is it painful?" "Nope" she replies and continues walking. From the corner of my eye I catch someone glare at us and Skylar tenses.

"What's up?" I pull her to the side. She avoids looking at me in the eye "Nothing."

My eyebrow raises and she blurts out " Everyone is judging me, cause they can see my bump," and puts her arms across herself.

Is it bad that I never noticed the bump, its tiny. I bring Skylar into a hug.

"Is that why you've been acting weird. Its not to do with Kylie?" She sniffles "Pretty much. I'm not too worried about her as one of you guys is always with me." She smiles.

I laugh and begin to walk "Was it that obvious?" "I noticed it when Joe wanted to see how I did my makeup," she replies with a half smile.

"Well maybe Joe wants to be a makeup artist." This earns a full smile. We stop walking at the balcony over looking the mall. "Have you talked to Ruth since?" I ask while looking down at shoppers.

"Nope but I probably should. Be the bigger person you know." I no in agreement. Nothing wiul annoy her more.

"Hay you don't mind if I?" Skylar gestures towards the bathroom. I smile"I think you should do that by yourself." "Bye." And she goes inside.

I'm really glad Patrick found her. He smiles and laughs more. I wish I could find someone like that. My thoughts drift to Bree. Could I have the same thing with her? Sure we kissed but that's about it....

I absent kindly him dance, dance. How long do girls spend in bathrooms? My phone vibrates and I've a text from Skylar?

"You let the gaurd down Wentz,"

I can feel the blood drain from my face. No its just a joke. I burst through the women's door. A mirrors cracked, showing signs of struggle and the windows open. My mouth goes dry and my legs go weak. Using the wall for support I quickly dial Patrick.

"Hay Pete, having fun with shoes?" "She's got Skylar!" I yell.

Regrets(Fall Out Boy/Patrick Stump Fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang