Chapter 15

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Pete's pov

I look back from the van window. Patrick is still humming songs to himself, Andy's tapping his fingers along with him on the steering wheel and Joes eating some of the takeout chips.

"Hay!"he says as I steal the bag. "There won't be any left for Skylar." I remind. He nods. "I hope she's okay, thanks Joe for catching her," Patrick says breaking out of his hum. He catches me smiling at him.

"What?" "You," I tease. "Oh we have a couple name idea" Andy says. "You do the honours," I nod to Joe. He turns around to look at Patrick.

"Skytrick," he says with a flourish of his hands. We all crack up at Patrick's expression."Maybe we'll keep thinking," I chuckle.

Its not long until we pull up to the house but there's a strange looking car in the drive way. I hop out first and someone runs into me. I grab hold of them and see its "Bree! Why are you here, are you okay?"

Her eyes are puffy and the guys come over to see what's up. She catches her breath and says "I thought mom just wanted to see Skylar, but she got so mad,th- they've been fighting for hours," I pull her into my arms and see Patrick's already at the door with Joe and Andy behind.

Andy yells "Stay with Bree!"

Patrick's POV

This is not good, not good! I fling open the door and hear a smash. Damn. I run into the kitchen to see Ruth about to throw another plate and Skylar is yelling while using a chair as a shield. She's pale faced, quickly I jump into the line of fire and both freeze. Ruth looks at me with disgust. I swallow, don't say a thing to set her off.

"Can we talk instead of throwing plates please."

Bad choice, her hand shakes with rage. She flings the plate to the ground and grunts. "What don't have enough money to buy any more?" She smashes another. "I bet you have enough to get anything you want. And you jusst take and take don't you, you men,"

I notice her slur, is she drunk? I quickly glance to Joe and Andy for help but both look as lost as I feel. "Em, could you-" she cuts me off and walks right up to me and whispers. "You know, I don't like you," and collapses right on top of me.

"Holy smokes," I stumble back and luckily Andy catches me. I peel Ruth off me and Joe and Andy bring her passed out body to the car. I turn to Sky and see tears of relief in her eyes. Quickly I pull her into a hug. "Are you okay?"

She murmurs "Yeah, just shocked. She didn't believe I was pregnant." "What really?" I feel her tense and she replies "I even took a test but that didn't even convince her." She sounded exhausted. Guilt floods over me. I use a hand and hold up her chin so she's looking right at me."I'm sorry that happened." she sighs.

"Don't be. It's not you're fault," its mine. I lean in and kiss her. I love kissing Sky I always get these shocks from it. She pulls away "I'm gonna go and sleep this weird night away," "Okay,good night," I give her one last squeeze and she leaves.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and look around the room. Broken plates, glasses...a knife in the wall?! I have made such a good impression I think as I begin to clean up. I glance out the window to see the car pull away. Soon the guys come in and help me clean up.

" Pattcakes you okay?" I smurk to Pete. "I'mfine just surprised." Andy laughs "Same, Ruth started to kick and punch in her sleep," I see Joe rub his chin.

"Did you guys hear she doesn't believe Sky's pregnant," Pete cringes. Andy replies "You really are full-filling the mother in law stereotype." "Yep," I sigh.

You guys.. just... thanks so much!! I hope this chapter was good-just to let you know some stuffs goning down soon ;)

Oh and I can't stop listening to AB/AP!


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