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Special Agent Carter cleared his throat and slowly said something shocking. I couldn't believe it. Was this real? Was this true? Could this be true? He was dead? Would never come back? I was speechless. I couldn't answer.

Officer Salinda and Fabian looked at me worried. They saw I was shocked. Did they believed it? They had to, right? They saw it. The accident. His dead body. He was dead. A part of me was so confused, the other one was scared. Yeah, I didn't believe it. What will happen next? Would I be next? Would I die too?

Ric was dead, Special Agent Carter said. I should be happy, he couldn't hurt me anymore or mess with my head but I was still scared. I didn't believe it, I wanted to but Ric Was strong, he wouldn't just let himself get killed in an accident like that. Run over by a car. In the city. At night. How did they even know it was him? Did they see him? His dead body? Could I see it too?

"You saw him, right? His... body? Could I... see it too?", I asked insecure. Special Agent Carter looked at me with disbelieve:"you wanna see it too? It was a really terrible accident, dear. There is not much left of his body..." "Oh...", I made and looked at the ground, avoiding his glance. He was kinda surprised I wanted to see Ric's body but after all I have been through, I had to know it was true. I had to see it with my own eyes. I had to have proof to believe it.

"So... You are totally sure, he is dead? He won't come back?", I wanted to know. "Noone comes back from the dead", the agent confirmed. I wasn't so sure about that. Ric wasn't human, I was pretty sure. But also I wasn't eighter...

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