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I looked at the computer screen and at Jason again. He seemed to understand the plan. Good, another person on my side. Maybe he could explain it better to me when it's time. Right now, I was just glad I didn't had to think about such complicated things.

Ric was also complicated enough. What would he really prefer over the other? The live band, or the cocktails at the pool, or the club? At least we didn't find any proof that he would like the fashion show but did that really mean he wouldn't go there? I thought he would go to clubs and drink cocktails often enough but would that really mean, he prefered the music over everything else? Was he such a music loving type? Not that the club and the pool party wouldn't have great music too. Omg, I was so confused. What were we supposed to do?

Wait, was I even the right person to know where Ric would go, or what he would do? What about the others? If I didn't know, maybe they knew better.
Some time passed after all. Maybe they found out more.

I looked around and saw Officer Fabian and Salinda were working busily. I went behind them and looked over their shoulders. Salinda thought he would rather go to the club and talk to some invited guests, enjoy the cocktails and the music there.
Fabian on the other hand thought, he would rather go the Restaurant opening and spend some time there, eating good food and listen to his favorite band. He also thought, Ric would go to clubs and parties, get drunk and meet special guests every week if not more often.
Furthermore he thought, Ric was not interested in the fashion show at all, Salinda had a different opinion about that. She thought, Ric would actually go if he knew a specivic model or designer or the collection of the fashion presented. They had to research some more to know more about all of the events and which Ric would prefer.

This took so long. I was so innerly stressed and nervous. How could I calm myself down. I got a headache.
Slowly I sat down on a chair near tge table, a little apart from Salinda. Sighing I supported my head with my right hand and closed my eyes. Jason noticed I didn't feel good and looked worried at me. He looked back the screen though and focused on the plan again instead of standing up and getting over to me, asking if I was okay and that everything will work out. Not that I actually needed his help, his strong shoulder or his words to tell me that everything will be okay. I knew that. Just like I knew, it's either gonna work and we catch Ric or he will kill me and I will die.

Not that I was afraid of dying or wanted to but this all felt so long and exhausting, I just wanted it to end and get Martin back. I didn't know why I sounded so hopeless and demotivated but I just felt so tired. I didn't know what to do or how I could help getting everything back to normal again. After everything I wondered if this was even still possible. What even was normal again? I never was normal. Why should I? Did I ever deserve normal? Will I ever be? Was I even supposed to? Can't my brain shut up for a second? Why did I always have to think so much about things? Why can't I just relax? There is a freaking psychopath after me, what do you expact?

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