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"I... Um...", I stummered and the young woman looked at me curious. She seemed friendly and really interested in getting to know me. I didn't wanted to upset or disappoint her but I was surprised and didn't know what to say.

"She is with me", Jason answered, put his arm around me and pulled me away. I sighed in relief but the woman looked after me and didn't move. She was still waiting for me to answer but she didn't say anything though. I guessed I was save then. Luckily Jason pulled me away. I didn't had to explain myself.

I took a deep breath and we got closer to the bar. I watched the guests who were drinking cocktails and enjoying the atmosphere.

"Do you want something to drink too?", Jason asked looking first at the bar and then back at me. I nodded. I think it would be good. We will have to fit in. Let's drink something. We went to the bar and he ordered two cocktails for us. A blue and a red one. The waiter gave us the glasses. I sipped at my drink. It tasted fruity and sweet. It was good. Jason's smelled more like vanilla and something else I didn't recognize. I asked him what his tasted like. He said it was lychee, cinnamon, cream, blueberry and vanilla. The berry made it blue. I was right. A smell of vanilla.

I tried to smile and looked at Jason. He grined back and took another sip at his drink. I listened to the music they played at the bar. It sounded kind of calming and beautiful but also wild at the same time. Nearly like my emotions. My heart beated wild but I tried to stay calm. On the outside I looked beautiful.

Nervously I played a little with my necklace. Jason saw it and softly took my hand. It was shaking.
"Relax. Everything will be fine", he tried to comfort me and looked into my eyes, still holding my hand. Then I suddenly saw someone familiar and stared at the person. I froze.

Through All Ages 2Where stories live. Discover now