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On instagram, there was a photo of him with the hashtag #Ric and a few more posts about the bar him and I first met and a club he really seemed to like, his favorite music genre and band, favorite color and food, his favorite cocktail and even some photos with, his "so called" friends and one picture with Ric and a young woman, his girlfriend apparently, acording to the text underneath. I didn't know any of the people on the photos besides Ric, or the club. But this really was a lot of information. I just didn't know if it was really true.

I showed it to Salinda and Fabian and they tried to check it, if they found anything else that could proof that it was true. I searched too but only found one other post on Facebook that said nearly the same about his favorite music genre and band. It was the same live band that would play at the restaurant opening in a few days. His favorite club was the same club the party would be at and at the pool party in the swimming hall they would serve his favorite cocktail. It was a rare drink, not everyone everywhere would offer and they promoted it especially for this party.

Great. All we needed was his favorite model to perform at the fashion show then, or something. Or a specivic designer that was Ric's favorite and who would present his new collection on the catwalk. This lead us to nothing. Even if the information was true, we still wouldn't know which things he would prefer over the others. Ric could rather be at the live concert at the new restaurant, than at the pool party drinking his favorite cocktail. Or in his favorite club, or at the fashion show, we didn't know if he really liked it.

I couldn't even say, just because we didn't find that he liked such shows, that he didn't like it. There was just no proof. We probably just had to be lucky to draw him out to one of the places we will be at and be lucky to trap him. That was just too much luck we didn't had, I guessed.

I sighed and got myself a glass of water from a side table in the room. Agent Carter and Jason seemed to make some progress because they talked excitedly about something and I even caught a smile on Jason's face while he looked at the screen. Maybe they really found something that could work. I walked over to them with my glass of water in my hand and tried to understand what I saw on the computer. It looked really complicated though.

Agent Carter tried to explain it to me but it was still too complex. I couldn't understand but actually I didn't really had to. The police was the expert, I will just be the bait. I didn't had to know and understand the full plan. I just had to follow the part I will play in. I will just be the beautiful woman, the victum, drawing the danger in, so they can trap him.

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