5:23PM • 12 Aug 20

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5:23PM • 12 Aug 20

_http_myg_: best of wishes to his family and friends, please make it yoongi, you're so strong

|_http_myg_: are you fucking serious? yoongi made so many people happy and many people are upset because of this and you want to be saying this shit? cut it out. what did yoongi do?

J.ko0k: please send kind and nice wishes towards yoongi, he deserves nothing but kind comments. please report horrible comments :( yoongi was really upset when he saw a horrible hashtag trending.


hi jungkook




i heard about what happened :(


im so sad and upset, im at the hospital with his friends :(


jungkook, please take care. practice self care, everything will be okay, he'll make it through.

if you guys need anything please tell me and/or tae. remember to be supportive of yoongi because he'll definitely need mental health help after


thank you jimin, im crying more


i have to go help tae with something


that's okay

"Friends of Min Yoongi?" A doctor asked, the four boys stood up "Yoongi is still trying to be saved. There are high chances that he will make it so we will conduct an interview with all four of you. Please follow me" The doctor said, the 4 boys followed the tall man.

They were sat down in a room, some papers in front of them and the doctor  was looking through his papers "So, I have a few questions. Do you guys know if Yoongi has access to guns, lethal doses of medication, or anything else that he could try to kill himself again?" The doctor asked, Namjoon raised his hand a bit "He doesn't have access to guns or anything like that but he has a big medicine cabinet" Namjoon spoke, the doctor wrote that down and continued.

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