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yoongi reclined on the orthodontist chair, it was 8am and he was tired. he had scheduled it so early because the rest of his day was packed with planning the wedding.

"first time i see you at 8am" his orthodontist laughed as he put on some gloves, "i had to come early because i have wedding planning with my fiance later" he chuckled.

the man nodded, yoongi hummed and chose pastel purple this time.

"you'll need top braces again, 4 rubber bands for your bite, and headgear for these teeth" he pointed, yoongi stared.

"what? i can't tell if you're being serious" yoongi said, "why wouldn't i be serious? what color do you want for your top teeth?

yoongi frowned, "happy april fools, why would you choose this day to come to the orthodontist?" the man laughed as he changed yoongi's elastics.

"you scared me! i was going to cry!" he sulked, "yeah, yeah. but i do need to talk to you about something here" his orthodontist said, pointing to one of yoongi's teeth as he showed the boy with a camera.

"mhm?" he spoke, "this tooth went back a lot, so i placed a coil on the wire to make room for it. it's going to creat a slingshot affect for the tooth. i just wanted to tell you because it's going to hurt and i know you have a sensitive pain tolerance"

he nodded with a pout, "thank you"


my teeth :(

they hurt :(


i can tell ur pouting


i can't move my mouth


yes u can


my teeth hurt ok?



ah baby

get some ibuprofen


i dont want to get up from bed


jesus christ



now what



i cant help u if u dont help urself


okk goodnight

when jungkook got home, the boy was sniffling on their bed with his mouth partly open.

"hey baby, want some medicine?" jungkook asked, yoongi sniffled and nodded.

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