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my bottom teeth retainer doesnt fit



delete that message and tell me some other time i am working with kids



jungkook glanced at the bruise on one of his students shoulder, as well as a bruise on their arm and ankle.

"since our book is done, we'll have individual play time" jungkook said, he grabbed a small notebook, "juyoon, do you want to play connect 4 with me?" jungkook smiled, the boy eagerly nodded.

he sat down across the boy when he finished setting up the game. he hummed as let the boy start.

he talked with him and talked for a but before bringing up the bruises on the boy's body.

"oh, what's that?" jungkook asked, pointing at the boy's bruises, "they're booboo's" he spoke, jungkook hummed, "really? how'd you get those?"

"mama and papa hurt me with the belt" he said like it was nothing but jungkook felt his heart sink, "why'd they hurt you?" he asked as he wrote something down.

"ate too much, but i was really hungry!" he whined, jungkook was shaking because he was really upset but tried to make it seem like he was fine.

"was this the first time?" he asked, the boy sjook his head as he played connect 4, "do they say anything mean to you?"

the boy nodded, "they tell me they wish i was never born and say i'm a disappointed and such, but i don't think that. do you think that?" the boy softly asked, "i don't, i think you're a beautiful and valuable boy"

the boy hugged jungkook and jungkook hugged him back. he caressed him. he would definitely cry in the staff bathroom.

he was a mandated reporter so he was filling out the case on the computer. the staff watched as he sniffled and wrote details about the case.

"just suck it up, this is a daily thing. i don't even report them anymore" one of the staff said, "it shouldn't be a daily thing" he cried into his palms, his heart ached for these kids.

"whatever, i still get paid" the woman yawned, "want some cookies?" she asked, jungkook shook his head as he cried.


m so upset

i had to file my first cps case


oh gosh

that must be heartbreaking and overwhelming


it is

now i'm just sitting here

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