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"i'm scared" jungkook whined, pouting as they were on their way to the place.

"it's fine, you'll be asleep. in fact, i'm excited to see you on anesthesia" he grinned, jungkook whined even more, "i am sorry in advance for any bullshit i might say" he chuckled, yoongi shrugged, "mhm"

"hi jungkookie" yoongi smiled when he entered the recovery room, jungkook looked around and waved.

yoongi found it funny how jungkook's mouth was full of gauze, "love you so much" he said, "love you too sweetheart"

"can't feel my mouth" he cried, "they took your teeth out and gave you anesthesia, that's why" he explained, he gasped, "did they take my bunny teeth?" he cried more, yoongi shook his head.

"your wisdom teeth" he explained, "i am glad, love my bunny smile because yoonie does" he said, yoongi's heart felt warm, "of course, we're going to leave soon"

jungkook nodded and laid back down,  mumbling random things.

yoongi was filming in the car, he figured it might be funny.

jungkook's head kept falling to the side which made yoongi laugh while driving, "yoonie, i want kids"

yoongi stared at him, "i can't tell if you're saying that because you're on anesthesia or you're serious" he said, jungkook looked at him, "i'm serious"

yoongi hummed, "maybe, a bit too early to think about that. we need good mental health records to even adopt, our house isn't big enough for kids either" he said, "okay then i will wait"

yoongi smiled looking at jungkook's cheeks, "hyung.. since the day you took me to the hospital. i feel better" jungkook said, "i can tell bub, the art therapy is really helping" he pointed out, "it's fun"

yoongi smiled, "you know i can dance too? i used to dance in college" he mumbled with his cheeks full of gauzd.

he began moving his arms to show that he could dance but it eas in fact a mess, which made yoongi laugh.

"i want to dance again" he frowned, starting to cry again, "i'm sure you could get into a dancing team around here"

jungkook started dancing again, his head bumping against the window again which made yoongi laugh.

jungkook stared at yoongi's face, eyes wide as ever, he placed his hands on yoongi's bread cheeks.

"bread, wanna eat your cheekies" he mumbled, "really? i want to eat yours too"

jungkook grabbed yoongi's cheeks, squishing them, "ow" yoongi frowned, making the boy giggle.

he poked yoongi's arms and cheeks, yoongi seemed unbothered and smiled.

yoongi stopped vlogging when they got home so he could take care of jungkook.

jungkook was a mess, laughing or crying was everything.

"woo! you are so pretty" jungkook said, ruffling yoongi's hair, then spinning.

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