" It's just ...Why did he have to show up?" I asked after struggling with expressing how I was feeling. " It's been eight months. Eight months without him and he shows up into my life again without warning. I mean , there are so many other companies that can export his products. Why did he have to choose Gray Enterprises?!"

" Because he wanted to see you obviously ." Jake answered for me matter-of-factly.

The look on his face showed he wasn't too happy about Logan showing up too and why should he? After everything that has gone down between the two of them , I'm not certain that Jake and Logan can ever be friends. In fact while I was inside my office, looking a vase for the flowers Jake brought, I was scared that both of them were going to get into another fight just like they almost did the hotel. Thank God that didn't happen. I couldn't have a whole physical showdown happen because of me at my place of work. As embarrassing as it would be, I would also become the talk of town or in this case, the company.

" I don't know if I want to see him." I sighed , looking away to the side and focusing on the cute couple beside us laughing at something together.

No matter how I want to deny it, the moment Logan walked into that room , different feelings which had already been buried deep down in my heart, got resurrected. The truth is I don't know how to feel about this . I don't know how I'm going to deal with Logan doing business with Mr Gray because for all I know , it might just be a ploy to get closer to me . Why can't he get it? He hurt me deeply and saying sorry to me over and over again just doesn't cut it . I've forgiven him but don't want to be near him. He's still the same Logan Ross. The same man who will apologize for hurting you but will still continue doing the thing that's hurting you. I'm done with that now. I don't think I can handle Logan and all his baggage anymore. I tried once and I failed woefully.

" What did he say to you?" Jake asked , looking genuinely concerned.

I turned back to face him . " He said he wanted to talk but I didn't want to hear him out. I thought he clearly understood that he and I are done . I guess I was wrong ."

" Maybe you should have heard him out." He replied after a few seconds .

My eyes widened in surprise. Since when did Jake become an ally of Logan? " You're saying I should have listened to him?"

His eyes flickered. " Look you already know that Logan and I are not exactly friends but I also know that if I hurt you and I wanted to apologize for hurting you, I would want you to give me a chance to explain myself."

The look on my face must have definitely showed how shocked I was that Jake was siding Logan even if it was just a little bit but maybe he has a point. " So you're saying that I should listened to what he had to say." I said, rather than asked.

" I hate to say it but yes I think you should have." He answered .

" Yeah you're probably right." I agreed with him after giving it a little thought.I know that Logan would probably say the same things he has said to me and it wouldn't make a difference . Maybe I should have given him a chance to say what he had to say. Then I'd tell him to leave me alone again for the umpteenth time.

" But then again, you don't have to listen to him if you don't want to. He hurt you badly after all so he doesn't get to show and demand to talk to you." Jake added quickly.

Feeling a little bit confused, I leaned back on the chair and folded my arms. " Jake, whose side are you on? First you say I should have heard him out and now you're saying I shouldn't. You're confusing me."

He sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. His eyes looked intense as usual and slightly worried. " I don't know, I guess I want you to do what's right but at the same time I'm so jealous that he's back in your life and that he might still have an edge over you."

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