Chapter 3-2: Peek-a-Boo!

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Luigi Rabbid's ears were being pulled by a strange ghost.

Luigi: Ghost!!!

Mario: Where?!

The ghost pushed Mario.

The ghost pushed Mario

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Defeat All

Steve: What are they?

Beep-0: My sensors tell me that these enemies are masters of long range attacks AND teleportation! They could outflank us, attack and then vanish before we could react! Talk about unsporting! Also, beware their seductive charms! Peek-a-Boos can pull you towards them like a Siren leading a sailor to his doom!

Steve crafted four wooden swords for himself, Alex, Zombie and Enderman.

Heroes turn

Steve went to full cover, slashed the Peek-a-Boo with his wooden sword (With a vampire effect) and upgraded his, Alex, Zombie and Enderman's swords into stone swords.

Mario stomped on the Peek-a-Boos, shot the Peek-a-Boo and activated his Hero Sight.

Peach team jumped to half cover (Healing herself and Steve), shot the Peek-a-Boo and activated her Royal Gaze.

Enemies turn

The Ziggy was shot by Mario.

The Peek-a-Boo lured Peach and Steve with its magnet dance, vamp shot Steve and teleported to the half cover.

The other Ziggy shot Steve, went to the full cover and activated its villain sight.

The other Peek-a-Boo shot Steve, teleported to the full cover and lured Peach and Steve (The Ziggy ink shot Steve) with its magnet dance.

Another Peek-a-Boo vamp shot Peach and teleported to the pipe.

Heroes turn

Alex dashed into the Peek-a-Boo and threw her stone axe at the Peek-a-Boo.

Mario stomped on the Peek-a-Boo, activated his M-Power and bounce whacked the Ziggy with his new Melee named Hammer Time.

Peach team jumped to full cover (Healing herself, Steve and Mario) and threw her Grenaduck at the Peek-a-Boo.

End of Battle

Steve: I almost died! Thanks for saving my blocky keister, Peach.

Peach: I help, Steve. It's what I do.

Beep-0: For a species that loves to hide so much, Rabbids really aren't very good at it.

Mario: Yeah.

Steve: Surely this place can be dangerous to most people. AAH! Haunted armor! Oh, they're not moving.

Beep-0: Good thing these foreboding suits of armor aren't possessed by any evil spirits! THAT would be stressful.

Steve: I got scared out of nothing.

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