Chapter 1-1: Unlikely Heroes

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We start off with Beep-0 falling out of the vortex and grew rabbit ears.

Beep-0: Why do I have... EARS!?

Just then, the Rabbid with the headset bumped into Beep-0, then the Rabbid and the headset were fusing together as they fell out too.

Beep-0: Well, I hope you're HAPPY!

After the Rabbid and the headset fused together it now had a blue belly and ears, and a power button on its butt. But now the Rabbid ran into 3 other Rabbids riding brushes, just then the Rabbid shot a beam at the Rabbid and the brush making him have a mohawk, purple markings, while wielding a weapon. Just then the Rabbid couldn't control itself.

Beep-0: Stop that!

After that it flew away from Beep-0, suddenly the Washing Time Machine was headed straight for Beep-0.

Just now, a red figure and a pink figure saved Beep-0 just in time.

Just now, a red figure and a pink figure saved Beep-0 just in time

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Sooner than that, blocks started falling from the sky. Then Mario, Kirby and Beep-0 landed safely on the ground.

Mario: Are you okay, Beep-0?

Beep-0: Yes I'm alright, thanks Mario and Kirby.

Kirby: Poyo?

Beep-0: I know all about you two.

Mario: You do, I get it.

Kirby then noticed two figures falling.

Kirby: Poyo!

Beep-0: What's that falling from the sky?

Just then a Rabbid that was similar to Peach fell in a bush.

Peach Rabbid: Bwaaaah!

Another Rabbid that was similar to Luigi was falling to the ground.

Luigi Rabbid: Bwaaaaaaah!

Then Kirby noticed three Rabbids messing with 2 Goombas by sticking honey to their feet and rolling them.

Mario: We gotta do something about it!

Kirby: Poyo!

Peach Rabbid: Bwah!

Luigi Rabbid: Bwah!

Just as the 3 Rabbids saw them they ran off.

Just as the 3 Rabbids saw them they ran off

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