Chapter 3-S: Secret Swamp

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Sephiroth: Hey guys! I noticed that Beep-0 can smash broken blocks.

Byleth: We have something to show you.

Dark Samus: To the Slime Swamp!

Slime Swamp

Beep-0 smashed the blocks.

Sephiroth: We got enemies!

Defeat all

Mario activated his M-Power, dashed into the Smasher, stomped on the second Smasher and whacked the third Smasher bouncing it out of bounds.

Dark Samus dashed into the Peek-a-Boo and Smashers, went to half cover, and used a dark plasma ball pushing the Peek-a-Boo out of bounds.

Luigi Rabbid vamp dashed into the Smashers, push shot the Smasher out of bounds.

Yoshi Rabbid activated his Outer Shell.

Enemies turn

The Smashers moved but stopped.

One Smasher powered itself up, and broke Yoshi Rabbid's shell.

Another Smasher powered itself up, and whacked Mario.

The Peek-a-Boo shot Luigi Rabbid.

The other Peek-a-Boo teleported to the half cover and shot Luigi Rabbid.

Heroes turn

Luigi Rabbid vamp dashed into the Smashers, went to the open, push shot the Peek-a-Boo, and activated his Super Barrier.

Mario dashed into the Smasher, stomped on the Peek-a-Boo, shot the Smasher, and activated his Hero Sight.

Joker dashed into the Smashers and Peek-a-Boo, went to the corner, and shot the Smasher with his gun.

Enemies turn

The Smasher was bounce shot out of bounds.

The other Smasher vamp smashed Mario, powered itself up, and smashed Mario again.

Heroes turn

Luigi Rabbid vamp dashed into the Smasher and weakened it.

The Joker used his Final Smash: All-Out Attack on the Smasher.

Mario: That's right, Joker! Use your All-Out Attack!

End of Battle

Sephiroth: That went well.

A bronze chest contained a new Artwork called Opera Theatre.

A prickly thorn grabbed Yoshi Rabbid.

A prickly thorn grabbed Yoshi Rabbid

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Dark Samus: Hola, El Calavera!

Defeat Midboss

Joker: I sense lots of Boos here.

Heroes turn

Peach Rabbid sent out her Sentry (Cookies n' Scream) and it blew up honey on the Valkyrie, went to higher ground, and activated her Shield.

Luigi sent out his Sentry and it blew up the Valkyrie, double team jumped to the pipe, and activated his Steely Stare.

Sephiroth team jumped to the half cover and fired a Flare at the Valkyrie bouncing it.

Mario activated his Hero Sight.


The Boos had no one to teleport.

Enemies turn

El Calavera went to half cover.

The Valkyrie fired mini bullets at Peach Rabbid's Shield and was bounce shot by the Mario Bros.

The Supporter went to full cover and threw a freeze bomb at Peach Rabbid's Shield.

Another Valkyrie gave its comrade protection.

One Supporter was double ink shot by Luigi.

Heroes turn

Mario activated his M-Power, stomped on El Calavera.

Dark Samus dashed into the Supporter and fired a missile at the Supporter.

Luigi double team jumped to full cover, ink shot El Calavera.

Dark Samus used her Final Smash: Phazon Laser on El Calavera.

End of Battle

Yoshi Rabbid: Bwah! 😄

Mario: Adios, El Calavera!

A bronze chest contained 5 Power Orbs.

Sephiroth: No need for those.

Another bronze chest contained 20 Power Orbs.

Dark Samus: Don't need them.

A silver chest contained a Figure of the Phantom.

Sephiroth: Back to Peach's Castle.

Peach's Castle

Beep-0: That's that! Let's get to the Lava Pit!

The heroes collected the red coins and opened the gold chest containing a new Rumblebang named the Renegade.

To be continued...

Next time the heroes will pursue Bowser Jr and the Koopalings in the Lava Pit. See ya soon folks!

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