Chapter 1-4: Welcome to the jungle

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Beep-0: It is VITAL that we stop that Rabbid who integrated himself with the SupaMerge BEFORE he creates any more atrocities!

Beep-0 then received another message just as they were going to continue on.

Beep-0: Uh, I received another message from our mysterious friend, let me read it to you.

Link: OK then, what's the message say this time?

From: F.B.
To: Beep-0

Congratulations, Beep-0! You have successfully led your party through trials and travails worthy of Odysseus himself...

Beep-0: Finally! SOMEONE gives me the credit I'm due.

Link: Don't get your hopes too high, Beep-0.

This, of course, is mainly due to Mario, the Smash Bros, and your Rabbid friends - whose skill in battle you vastly underestimated.

Link: What'd I tell you, Beep-0.

Beep-0: Yes, well... Ahem!

Though as with Odysseus, there are rougher waters ahead. Therefore I feel the time has come to bestow upon you some NEW tools for your arsenal.

Mario: Whoa, what are these?!

Henceforth, in addition to being able to move and fire upon your adversaries, you will each be able to preform ONE other action during the natural course of combat. To Mario, I have given the gift of Hero Sight and M-Power. When activated, he will be able to strike at foes within range even outside the normal succession of events, and increase you and your friends weapons power up.

Mario: I can do those things?!

To Peach Rabbid I give the gifts of Shield and Heal. When used, it will ward against most weapons damage and keep your friends in the battle longer.

Peach Rabbid: Bwah!

To Luigi Rabbid I grant Super Barrier and Weaken. Super Barrier can protect against enemy Super Effects and can also reduce damage. While Weaken can decrease enemies power down.

Luigi Rabbid: Bwah!

To Link I give Boomerang and Remote Bomb, Boomerang can let you throw a boomerang at multiple enemies in the open, and Remote Bomb can let you throw a bomb with Sheikah Slate at enemies.

Link: I see.

Mario: Awesome.

As for how to most effectively use your new gifts, I leave that to you to discover for yourselves. More gifts will come in the future... I hope.

With Anticipation, Your Biggest Fan

Mario: Oh yeah! New abilities for us to use in battle!

Beep-0: Aha! Our incognito ally's ability to give us exactly what we need at exactly the right time is uncanny! Remind me not to play them at Go Fish.

Mario: Alright then, let's go!

Mario and co go deeply into the jungle and find another battlefield.

Mario: Let's test our new abilities on the battlefield!

Defeat all

Beep-0: Check out those suspicious covers! They have the same Super Effect symbol most weapons have. They look ready to explode - or something. Let's avoid using weapons within close proximity to them!

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (feat. the Smash Bros.)Where stories live. Discover now