Chapter 3-6: Double-Barreled

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Beep-0: Wow! Mr Game and Watch debuted in the early '80s before you came along?!

Mario: True!

Beep-0: Dark Samus was created with the real Samus' DNA.

Dark Samus: Yes, I was created by her DNA.

Beep-0: Byleth, I understand you are a professor teaching at Garreg Mach Monastery. You used to work as a mercenary with Captain Jeralt.

Byleth: I wield my axe named the Aymr, my lance named the Areadbhar, and my bow named the Failnaught.

Luigi: Byleth's like our human swiss army knife.

Beep-0: Sephiroth, former member of SOLDIER 1st Class, wielder of Masamune, known as the one winged angel.

Luigi: First things first, how can someone like Sephiroth fly with one wing?!

Sephiroth: How come you suck up ghosts with a vacuum?

Luigi: GAH!!! HE SPEAKS!

Mario: Probably get him to shut up could be the trick. No offense.

Sephiroth: None taken, plumber.

Beep-0: And I noticed, you're archenemies with Cloud!

Sephiroth: For the sake of my mother.

Mario: We'd be lucky to run into Cloud somehow.

Luigi: No one ever told you this, but you have rock hard abs! Do you work out?

Beep-0: Let's focus on the moon.

Luigi: You're right! Sorry!

A silver chest contained an Artwork of The Spooky Swamp.

Mario: Why are those Rabbids on the Swamp?

Beep-0: Aren't they worried about catching something?

Luigi: Probably Covid-19 or something?

A bronze chest contained a Soundtrack called Spooky Skirmish.

Random bullets trapped our heroes.

Valkyrie: Double Barreled Baddies!

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Valkyrie: Double Barreled Baddies!

Defeat All

Beep-0: Valkyries go to great lengths to protect themselves and others. Watch for their Team Jump - it ends with a Ground Pound! Don't let them get the drop on you... literally! Also beware their, er... "unique" yet powerful shooting technique.

Mario: They shoot like Yoshi Rabbid's Rumblebang.

Heroes turn

Yoshi Rabbid dashed into the 3 Valkyries, went to the full cover, shot the Valkyrie with his new Rumblebang named the Mega Bite and repelled the Valkyries with his Scaredy Rabbid (letting Mario shoot the Valkyrie and bounce shoot it).

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