Chapter 2-7: Temple of Bwahmanweewee

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Wolf: Is that statue peeing?

Joker: TMI, Wolf.

The heroes opened a bronze chest containing a figure of Blizzy. Another bronze chest contained a figure of Sandy.

Beep-0: Look how unsafe that is! They're not even wearing helmets!

Sonic: Kids, if you wanna go skydiving, always wear a helmet.

Defeat All

Pichu: Wind suddenly on a move hewe, ain't it?

Beep-0: See that tornado? It may look small and harmless, but in the desert things can change in a hurry! Before you can blink it will get bigger and bigger blowing away everyone in its path. Afterwards the tornado will calm down again. You can always see where it's heading by checking the weathercock.

Heroes turn

Mario Rabbid boom dashed the Ziggy and lured the Ziggy using his Magnet Dance (Giving Mario a chance to shoot the Ziggy).

Mario dashed into the Ziggy and stomped on the other Ziggy and activated his Hero Sight and shot the Ziggy.

Fox team jumped to the lower ground and fired his blaster gun at the Ziggy.

Luigi Rabbid activated his Super Barrier.


The tornado moved down but no one was blown away like Dorothy was landing her in Oz.

Enemies turn

The Ziggy went to the lower ground (Mario shot the Ziggy) and shot Luigi Rabbid's Super Barrier and activated it's villain sight.

The Supporter went to the wall and threw a bomb at Fox.

Heroes turn

Falco (The Ziggy shot Falco) dashed into the Ziggy and team jumped to the lower ground and used his blaster gun to shoot the Supporter turning it into stone.

Mario activated his M-Power and stomped on the Supporter.

Luigi Rabbid weakened the Supporter and vamp shot the Supporter.

End of Battle

Pikachu: Hey guys, while you were doing that battle, I spotted hieroglyphics of us.

Beep-0: These ancient hieroglyphics tell our story somehow! Ooh... I wonder if I get pectoral muscles?

Incineroar: Not gonna happen.

Joker: What's happening to those Rabbids?

Beep-0: The answer my friends, is bwah-in' in the wind, the answer is bwah-in' in the wind...

Fox: Probably another tornado or something.

They opened some bronze chests containing an Artwork of Giant Skeleton, another contained a Soundtrack of A Song of Ice and Desert. The heroes grabbed a Mushroom and opened a silver chest containing a Soundtrack of Rabbid Kong's Theme.

Reach Area

Heroes turn

Mario activated his M-Power, dashed into the Buckler, team jumped to higher ground.

Luigi dashed into the Buckler, double team jumped to higher ground, shot the Ziggy and activated his Steely Stare.

Wolf double dashed into the Supporter and the Buckler.

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