Dungeon-1: House of Bounce

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DK upgraded his Ground Pound to the Summoner Scrambler 2.0, Peach Rabbid grabbed a new Sentry named the Trophy Fish Terror and a new Blaster named the Smackin' Kraken, Cranky Rabbid grabbed the Pandamonium Barrel Bolt.

Diddy Kong: This way!

Defeat all

Pac: What in the name of Jesus is that?!

Beep-0: Egad! Beware the invulnerable Idol of Recoil! In its unforgiving eyes we are but unworthy Interlopers! It has a strong connection to its worshippers, they are the source of its power. If we defeat its worshippers, the Idol of Recoil will accept us as worthy and not bother us. They're big on rituals, these idols.

Heroes turn

Cranky Rabbid team jumped and freeze shot the Ziggy and the Buckler and fired a Barrel Bolt at the Buckler and the Ziggy and activated his Stink Eye.

Peach Rabbid dashed into the Buckler and aimed her Sentry at the Ziggies and activated her Shield.

DK activated his Hairy Eye grabbed the burn cover and threw it at the Buckler and the Ziggy (burning almost everyone) then threw his Bananarang.

Idol of Recoil

The idol moved and hit Cranky Rabbid.

Enemies turn

The Ziggy went to the metal block and shot Peach Rabbid's Shield and activated its Villain Sight.

The Ziggy (got hit by Cranky Rabbid's Boombow twice) went to the metal block and shot Peach Rabbid's Shield and activated its Villain Sight.

The Buckler boom dashed Peach Rabbid's Shield and boom shot her Shield then activated its Portable Cover.

The Buckler went to the metal block and boom shot Peach Rabbid's Shield.

Heroes turn

DK (was shot by the Ziggy) grabbed Lucario and threw him (Lucario was shot by the Ziggy) and Lucario shot an Aura Balls at the enemies.

Peach Rabbid dashed into the Bucklers and shot the Buckler.

The idol accepted their performance.

End of Battle

Pac: I guess the idol accepted us!

Beep-0: A reenactment of Bwahgatahana-manu's sacrifice of his unemployed brother-in-law who was living with him at the time...he CLAIMED that the Banana Gods "told him to do it", but I'm not so sure.

Diddy Kong: Brutal. Very brutal.

They pushed the blocks and opened the bronze chest containing a Soundtrack named Dungeon Dispute. Another bronze chest contained an Artwork called Old Smugglers' Caves.

To be continued...

Next time the heroes will be facing another battle in the dungeon. See ya later folks!

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