Chapter 3-1: Looking for Mr Tom Phan

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Greninja: Our next target is the Spooky Trails!

Luigi: Oh no! I'm not going there!

Ness: There's no reason that you have to.

Mario: Yeah.

Greninja: Poor Rabbid.

Beep-0: Yes. Poor thing... I don't sleep myself, but if I did I'd probably dream about intelligent machines taking over the world.

Mario: You'd better not get killed by Freddy Krueger.

Ness: In your dreams, literally. He'll kill you in YOUR dreams!

Sonic: What's going on over there?

Beep-0: They're praising the spirit of Papa Rabbo, guardian of time traveling washing machines.

Mario: Better not anger him.

The heroes collected the red coins and opened the gold chest containing a new Boomshot named the Royal Rabbid.

Murkrow: Look out!

Ness: Is that Murkrow foolin' with us?

Beep-0: No, it's right! AAH!! IT'S COMING FOR US! IT WANTS OUR BRAINS IT... Oh, nevermind. It's just sleepwalking.

Mario: Let's get in the Spooky Trails.

Spooky Trails

Beep-0: Spooky Trails... A place deserving of its name, I see. Sigh... No sign of Bowser Jr, the Koopalings or Spawny. They could be anywhere.

Sonic: Beep-0, you've got another message from our secret admirer. Hope it isn't something about dying in 7 days.

From: ???
To: Beep-0

Congrats on finding Spooky Trails. Isn't it great? Check out the gate in front of you.

Ness: Our secret admirer really knows all!

Behind the Moon Gate is the cure for the cough cough plague that's ravaged the Mushroom Kingdom for too long! A champion that has long been asleep will awaken and set things right! But to get to him, you'll need to find the two uh... er... Lost Relics of Goodness! Find the relics and the champion: a Mr Tom Phan shall awaken and sing with joy at having you before him!

Greninja: Tom Phan? That should be fun. Let's find those relics!

Ness: Poor Boo.

Beep-0: Only a very powerful enchantment could keep a Boo tethered to a specific location like that. We'd best be careful.

Mario: Yeah.

Defeat 10 Enemies

Heroes turn

Ness dashed into two Ziggies and used PK Thunder on the Ziggy.

Mario dashed into one Ziggy, stomped on another Ziggy, activated his Hero Sight and shot the Ziggy.

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